What is the cold knowledge of losing weight?

When it comes to losing weight, I believe everyone has a history of sadness: they 

were hungry, tired to the point of muscle soreness, and even spent a lot of money, 

but the effect was not satisfactory. We often encounter three major problems.

First, you can't hold on. Everyone knows that losing weight requires eating less 

and moving more, but it's so hard. Looking at the delicious food, you ca eat more, 

and when you come back from getting off work and you are exhausted, you have 

to force yourself to exercise. This is simply anti-human, isn't it? So the weight loss 

again and again, finally became a whim, and it didn't take long.

Second, it is easy to rebound. 

finally lost a bit of weight, but 

it didn't take long for it 

to bounce back, which was 

very frustrating. I found that 

many of my friends are 

doing yo-yo weight loss, that is 

to say, the weight goes up and 

down like a yo-yo. didn't even see how thin I was, whereas I lost more and more 


Third, the process of losing weight is too tortured and full of negative emotions. 

Losing weight is like going to the battlefield. It's too tiring to live with tense nerves. 

For example, we have to live with restraint every day. As long as we are not 

restrained a little, we will deeply blame ourselves. I have to keep an eye on the 

scale. As long as I don't see the effect, I can't help but wonder if I have done 

something wrong. This feeling is depressing and tormenting.

If you listen to it and think: yes yes yes! That's how I am! Then I want to tell you, 

you may have made a mistake in the direction of weight loss!

I have been doing weight management counseling and professional research all 

year round, and found that many people have fallen into a misunderstanding, that 

is, to lose weight is to eat less and move more.

But in fact, people are a whole, weight loss is comprehensive work, you not only 

need the knowledge of sports and nutrition, but you also need the blessing of 

medicine and psychology. Without any one factor, you'll struggle.

Have you ever wondered why the fat person is always you? 

Why do you even dream of 

losing weight, but it's so hard 

to do? It is no 

exaggeration to say 

that more than 90% of obesity 

and unhealthy eating habits 

have deep 

psychological  factors.

Then have you ever thought about it, you know you need to keep your mouth shut 

and open your legs, but people are not saints, so how can you say no to 

temptation? How to change the original bad habits without feeling wronged? 

Behind this, there are physical and mental laws that you need to understand, and 

you can easily persevere by knowing how to borrow the wisdom of your body. 

Using a one-sided, confrontational attitude to lose weight can turn hard work into 

brute force if you're not careful.

I'm here to help you find a new direction for losing weight, which is not only healthy 

and effective, but also very human.

First of all, the method that can be done can be said to be effective. If the best 

method cannot be done, it is just a beautiful vase. Do you agree with this?

You may have been exposed to many ways to lose weight, the most common ones 

are matching fat-reducing meals and learning various fitness exercises. These 

methods seem to be really shortcuts, easy and effective. But if you've tried it, you 

know: fat-reduced meals really don't taste good, and you don't have as much time 

to cook your own meals, and you don't have as much energy to keep exercising.

The methods that seem to work and are easy are actually too difficult to do. 

As a result, I learned a new method, but quickly returned to the old way. Some 

methods are too complicated to remember, so there is no escape from the problem 

of three days of fishing and two days of drying nets.

All the methods I have mentioned are based on the principle of simplicity and ease 

of action.

Of course, the effect is necessary, many of which are currently popular 

international swimming methods, but few people in China know about them. For 

example, about what to eat, I won't tell you how to hold back when you meet 

someone you love to eat, but how to eat wisely without gaining weight or grieving 


You don't have to put a lot of effort into matching nutritious meals, but just stick to 

the 112 rule and match the four basic food groups by visual volume. As for how to 

eat, you don't have to force yourself not to eat after lunch, you just need to follow 

the four-hour limit rule, which is more in line with the law of blood sugar changes in 

the body and can speed up metabolism. I'd even recommend that you eat a little 

snack every day. Is it very simple?

Another example is about exercise, are you also worried that it takes too much 

time to exercise once, you have to change clothes, and you have to go to sports? It 

may actually take two or three hours to exercise for one hour.

I'll show you how you can increase the amount of exercise we do in our daily 

routines without having to dedicate time. I will also introduce the principles of low-

volume, high-frequency exercise, which can help you lose weight easily by 

exercising 5-10 minutes at a time, 3-5 times a week. These methods have been 

proved by many practice, and the effect is very good.

In addition to effective methods, in order to lose weight successfully, we must face 

the problem of motivation. Weight loss in any form is a constant battle, so 

motivation will always be the number one enemy of weight loss.

In fact, many people have various misunderstandings and blind spots in losing 

weight. For example, every time we see our fat, we feel disgusted. So I often look 

in the mirror to see if I have lost weight or not, thinking that this will inspire a 

fighting spirit to lose weight. But you know what? The more you have yourself for 

being fat, the harder it is to lose weight. Because your body is full of self-loathing, 

there is no power to act.

Another example is that many times, when we eat too much, it may not be 

because of hunger or greed, but because of psychological needs. Do you 

especially like to eat high-sweet and high-calorie foods when you are in a bad 

mood? When we have no way to relieve our bad mood, we will unknowingly eat 

emotionally. At this time, it is useless to just keep our mouths shut.

So I will tell you to use four steps to resolve the urge to gluttony driven by 

emotions; I will combine the knowledge of psychology, medicine and nutrition to tell 

you what is the best way to lose weight, how often you need to measure your 

weight, and how to measure your weight. How to set weight loss goals is the most 

scientific, how to insist on losing weight when you are stressed, how to detect and 

resist the temptation of the environment; even I will take you to explore, from the 

bottom of your heart, do you really believe that you can lose weight, to be a fit and 

charismatic person?

In short, you will hear a lot of 

subversive, super practical dry 

goods. In the face of 

losing weight, as long as you 

master the correct method, 

you don't have to suffer 

and hate, and you don't have 

to consume willpower.

I think you may have noticed that the issues we explain are very focused

I've helped so many people successfully lose weight and overcome bad eating 

habits, and I know exactly what you're going to face when it comes to actually 

doing it.

So I will look at the whole process of losing weight, and give you many scene-

based skills, so that you can come up with ways to solve the problem the first time 

you are stuck.

For example, how to stop immediately when you are eighty full? What to do if you 

want to procrastinate again? How to avoid overeating when eating out?

Each of these methods is easy to remember. I will also give you some homework 

in each class to help you practice step by step.

Finally, I would like to say that whether you are losing weight for health or self-

confidence, weight loss is really just a means. Just staring at the fat, even if you 

lose weight, can you really get what you want? What I want to give you is not just 

to lose weight, but to help you open a new life by losing weight.

I'm not going to brag that you can get as skinny as you want, and I'm not going to 

encourage you to pursue how many pounds you can lose in a short period of time. 

So if you want to lose weight fast, but don't require long-term results, then you may 

not be suitable for this weight loss method.

What I want you to gain is: weight loss that is easy to stick to, an easier weight loss 

process, longer-term weight loss, and a happier self.

In this era of pursuit of beauty, everyone hopes that they are thin enough and 

beautiful enough. Having a good figure is not only related to health, but also to self-

confidence. At the end of the year, there are always several moments when we are 

gearing up to lose weight, such as just after the holidays, when the spring flowers 

bloom and we need to reduce our clothes, when the scorching sun can't cover the 

flesh. We have made up our minds time and time again to put our weight loss plan 

into practice, and we can't wait to start taking action the next second.

Next, we will not immediately enter the stage of action. On the contrary, we will 

take some time to deeply understand the common misunderstandings of weight 

loss, learn how to set goals and maintain motivation, and prepare for weight loss.

You might be thinking: why not just get started? So let me ask you a question: 

Have you ever tried to lose weight? How did you do it and what was the result?

I have no way of knowing your answer, but from my experience, I can guess: you 

have tried to lose weight, probably many times, and even spent a lot of money on 

it, but the results are always unsatisfactory.

How can we succeed in this weight loss if we don't understand where our past 

weight loss failures have been?

I have seen all kinds of weight loss methods from patients, but most of them 

cannot escape the vicious circle of yo-yo weight loss, that is, the weight goes up 

and down, and it keeps rebounding.

Let's find out why yo-yo weight loss is not effective, and I will introduce some tips 

to help you speed up your metabolism and lose weight more scientifically.

The yo-yo may be a collective memory of the post-80s generation, imagine the 

trajectory of the yo-yo, sliding down all at once, and then swishing up again.

The same is true for many people who lose weight. Let's take a look at Xiaobai's 

weight loss road: Sunday is full of motivation, all kinds of flags, and I vowed to say 

that I will start a diet next week, and may not eat or eat meat for several days. 

Then on Thursday, I suddenly couldn't hold on anymore. After work, I went to see a 

good friend. I was dragged to a party to go shopping. I couldn't stand the 

temptation while I was shopping, and told myself: "Just make an exception."

Then, I started to eat and drink nonsense. Since I have already relapsed, I might 

as well do it all at once, but I ended up eating several meals, and my weight-loss 

career came to an end. Yo-yo weight loss will also appear in sports. Xiaobai got a 

fitness card on Monday and he made a vow to exercise every day. It doesn't matter 

if you want to take a day off. Then, on Friday, I happened to have something on 

hand, and it was delayed, and I never went to the gym again. The result of this 

weight loss model is that the weight also starts to swing back and forth like a yo-yo: 

the weight drops for a while at first, but it rebounds after a while, and it might even 

exceed the weight before weight loss.

We all know that such irregular dieting and exercise can affect our health, but we 

may not know that the end result of doing so is continuous weight gain. And this 

has been confirmed by a large number of studies. Here I can share with you 

neuropsychological research that uses mice to simulate human yo-yo weight loss. 

It is also very easy to do. Feeding only grass to the mice in the first week is 

equivalent to dieting, then giving the mice unlimited sugar water in the second 

week is equivalent to overeating.

This cycle went on and on, and the results were interesting, with some 

experiments finding that mice on a yo-yo diet gained the fastest weight, 

accumulated the most fat, and were most prone to overeating. Other experiments 

found that even if the mice lost weight and returned to their original weight, they 

still preferred sugar water, were more prone to overeating, and accumulated fat 


Not only that, but the research team from Imperial College London found that 

compared with mice that had been fed a high-fat diet for a long time, those who 

experienced multiple weight regains accumulated more fat in their internal organs.

This means that the more times you bounce back, the more likely you are to gain 


Let me explain why yo-yo weight loss actually makes you fat. In fact, weight loss is 

a simple mathematical formula. One end of the announcement is energy intake, 

and the other end is energy consumption.

From a physiological point of view, when we go on a relatively extreme diet, such 

as eating only one meal a day and cutting off all carbohydrates such as rice, our 

body does not know what is going on at this time, and the information our body 

gets is the current There is not enough food to eat, to starvation mode is turned on.

From an evolutionary point of view, human beings must have had far more famine 

than good harvests in the past few million years, so the self-protection mechanism 

in famines is very powerful. In such a mode, our body will slow down metabolism 

extremely rapidly, which will cause a series of changes, such as: our cognitive 

ability declines because the brain is not nourished enough; our body will be cold 

because there is not enough blood sugar; Physical activity that also flows to 

conserve energy; digestion is also significantly improved as the body tries to 

squeeze more energy out of limited food. In this way, intake increases and 

expenditure decreases significantly. The result is that, after a period of weight loss, 

a period of stagnation occurs. Therefore, to lose weight successfully, you must 

conform to the laws of the body and be friends with the body. We will further 

introduce the method in the following courses.

On a psychological level, it's even more interesting.

First, let's assume that everyone's willpower is limited, and when we go on extreme 

diets, it causes us to have a stronger craving for high-calorie foods, especially 

those high in sugar, fat, and carbohydrates.

At the same time, because we have used a lot of will power to control or appetite, 

the control will slowly dry up. The result of this is that, on the one hand, our control 

is not good, and on the other hand, our appetite increases greatly. Once we 

encounter the temptation of delicious food, it is very easy to overeat. After giving 

up on yourself, you will feel guilt and resentment towards yourself, and then go on 

more extreme diet, which will lead to more overeating.

The result over time is that our body thinks we're experiencing repeated famines, 

so that the next time we overeat, the digestive system absorbs nutrients more 

efficiently and stores them as fat, resulting in constant weight gain and constant 

self-esteem. Descending, annoyed at how I couldn't control myself.

So if you want to change your weight, the first thing to do is, if you are still doing yo-

yo weight loss, I strongly recommend that you stop quickly, find a middle point, 

maintain a fixed diet, eat smaller meals more often, and do Appropriate physical 

exercise. In the upcoming lessons, I will explain in more detail how to adjust your 

diet and exercise, there are actually many, many psychological techniques that can 

be used.

Let me first introduce ten easy-to-follow tips to avoid the yo-yo weight loss model 

and use our body's own functions to achieve the goal of losing weight. Everyone 

already knows that weight loss is a mathematical formula. The change in weight is 

energy intake minus energy consumption. There are actually three ways to 

consume energy: metabolism, exercise, and food digestion. Do you know which of 

these three pathways has the largest share? Is it exercise, metabolism, or food 

digestion? The answer is metabolism. We often only focus on exercise, often 

ignoring that metabolism accounts for about 65% of total energy consumption. So, 

if you want to lose weight properly without dieting or exercising, there is actually a 

smart way to speed up your metabolism.

The adjustment of metabolism is mainly through changes in living habits, and the 

changes in these habits are much simpler than dieting and exercise! Here are ten 

simple tips for you:

Eat smaller meals more often. Not only does this stimulate metabolism, it also 

prevents us from being overly hungry.

Eat protein at every meal. Because digesting protein requires more calories.

Have a full breakfast. A hearty breakfast can wake up our bodies faster.

Stand if you can, don't sit. This helps our body function more actively.

Drink cold water and lower room temperature. This is done because the body 

needs to burn more calories to maintain our body temperature.

Drink green tea.

Drink coffee. However, pay attention to the intake of sugar and milk.

Eat spicy food.

Take omega 3, such as fish oil pills. Whether it's caffeine or chili peppers, including 

omega-3, can speed up our metabolism.

Ensure adequate sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to increased appetite and hunger.

Don't underestimate these tips, if you can do them well, they will help you control 

your weight with less effort. No need to exercise, no need to diet, as long as you 

make these ten small changes in your life, you can lose weight effortlessly.

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