A good friend of dieters ~ delicious chicken breast dishes

Barbecue-flavored chicken breast


2 large chicken breasts

10g cooking wine

10g oyster sauce

Sugar 3g

Five spices powder 1g

Cumin powder 1g

1g chili powder

Pepper powder 1g

Salt 1g

Oil 10g


Cut the chicken breast lengthwise into 2 strips, cut into large slices and thin


Tips: If you think the chicken is not easy to cut, you can put it in the freezer for

1 hour, and the chicken will not run around when it becomes hard.

Add cooking wine, oyster sauce, salt, sugar, five-spice powder, cumin, pepper

powder and chili powder to the chicken breast slices, mix well, and marinate for

more than 15 minutes.

Heat a work over medium heat, but more oil in the wok, add chicken breast

slices, use chopsticks to separate the meat slices, fry until discolored, fry a little

more, sprinkled with cumin grains and chili powder, stir fry evenly and serve.

Tips: If you don't have cumin grains, you can use cumin powder, the purpose is

to make the barbecue taste more intense.

Universal low-fat chicken rice sprouts


3 chicken breasts

10g olive oil

Flaxseed oil 10g

Yibin Sprouts 50g

1 slice ginger

Chives 25g


Chicken breasts are cleaned, and fat is removed

Cut into long strips

Cut into chunks

Switch to a Chinese kitchen knife, slice ​​ginger into the chicken breast, and start

chopping the meat.

Continue to chop

Once, you can roughly form a dough, and olive oil to the ground chicken breasts

Continue to shop until the oil is absorbed

Flaxseed oil in pot

Pour in the chopped chicken breast

Stir fry and spread, turn to medium heat, add a little water, the amount of water

is shown

The spatula is perpendicular to the pot, and the chicken breast is quickly

"chopped" and scattered

Add water and chop, and it will fall apart.

If you want to scatter a little more, just chop it a little longer and make it thinner

Add sprouts and stir fry

Add the hives and continue to fry until the water is dry

After frying, put it in an airtight box while it is still hot, and store it in an airtight


Eat as much as you want

Chicken breast and shrimp paste vegetable cake


Piece of chicken breast

5 prawns

Half carrot

3 small broccoli

Half sweet corn

5 tablespoons flour

1 tablespoon cornstarch

1 tablespoon oyster sauce

3 tablespoons soy sauce


Take out the chicken breast

Prawns deveined and deveined

Minced Chicken Breast and Shrimp

Put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well

Pour the mashed meat into the seasoning bowl and marinate evenly

Boiled vegetables and chopped

Add chopped vegetables to the marinated meat puree and mix well

Put on disposable gloves and lead them into small round cakes

Slow frying

Turn over frequently, cover and summer for a while, the middle is easy to cook

It must be a small fire, be sure to turn over frequently, or it is not easy to burn

Out of the pot

Sweet and Sweet Pork(Pineapple + Chicken Breast)


1 piece chicken breast

Half a pineapple

Appropriate amount of starch

1 egg

10g sugar

2 tablespoons tomato paste

3+2 grams of salt

Half carrot

Half bell pepper

2 shallots

Appropriate amount of pepper

A spoonful of white vinegar


The material is cleaned and ready to use

Cut the chicken breast in half. The chicken breast is too thick, and tastes bad.

Cut it into strips at a width of about 1.5cm, then change the knife and cut it into

1.5cm cubes; put some salt and pepper in a bowl, grab it well, and put it in 1

egg, mix well, marinate for 15 minutes, set aside;

Cut pineapples, radishes, and bell peppers into pieces (I am a little obsessive-

compulsive, so I am willing to cut triangles), chopped shallots, set aside;

Add the marinated chicken breast to the cornstarch, stir evenly, add the

cornstarch until it is thick, and use chopsticks to pick up the pulp without losing

the pulp;

Add oil to the pot, the oil temperature is 70% hot, start to sandwich the chicken,

fry until it is set and turn over and continue to fry, after frying, remove it.

Pour the oil into the pot, leave a small amount at the bottom of the pot, and 2

tablespoons of tomato sauce, white sugar, salt, and a tablespoon of white

vinegar, stir well, and starch water, bowl the sauce and add chicken and various

side dishes;

Stir fry. Stir fry. Stir fry.

Sprinkle with chopped green onion, turn, turn, turn!

Out of the pot and served on a plate, clang clang clang!

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