Many people don't know that chicken breast can still do this


Steamed chicken breast with chopped pepper


250g chicken breast

2 tsp chopped pepper,

1 teaspoon each of Starch and cooking wine

A little oil.


1. Wash the chicken breast and cut into thin slices.

2. Add Starch, cooking wine and the appropriate amount of oil to the chicken

breast, mix well and marinate.

3. Spread the chicken breasts evenly on the bottom of the plate, put 2 spoons of

chopped peppers on the surface, put it in a steamer without adding salt, and steam

for 10 minutes on high heat.

Cucumber and carrot mixed with chicken breast


200g chicken breast

1 teaspoon each of Starch and cooking wine

1 cucumber

1 carrot

1 head garlic

1 to sesame oil

1 tsp chili oil

2 tsp vinegar

Salt in moderation.


1. Peel the cucumbers and carrots, flatten the cucumbers, and cut the carrots into

small pieces.

2. Add cooking wine and Starch to the whole chicken breast and marinate for 1


3. Steam the marinated chicken breast in a steamer, or put it in hot water and cook

for 6-8 minutes.

4. Tear the cooked chicken breast into strips, mix in the cucumber and carrot

pieces, season with vinegar, minced garlic and sesame oil.

Chicken breast, shrimp and vegetable cake


300g chicken breast

150g shrimp

200g cabbage

1 tsp oyster sauce


1 teaspoon each cooking wine

Appropriate amounts of oil and salt.


1. Wash the chicken breasts, remove the shrimp intestines and shrimp lines from

the shrimps, put them in a food processor and blend into the meat puree.

2. Take 2-3 pieces of cabbage, wash and cut into pieces.

3. Mix the minced cabbage and minced meat, and oyster sauce, cooking wine and

other seasonings to form a firm meat filling.

4. Heat a pan with cold oil, put the meat filling on the palm of your hand and press it

flat, then fry it in a pan over medium heat until lightly brown on both sides.

Stir-fried chicken breast with chives


300g chivas

200g chicken breast

1 teaspoon each of starch, cooking wine, and oyster sauce

Appropriate amounts of oil and salt.


1. Cut the chicken breast into thin slices, and cook the wine, starch, oyster sauce,

and marinate for 1 hour.

2. Wash the chives, drain and cut into pieces.

3. Heat the work with cold oil, first put the chicken breast into the work and stir fry

until cooked.

4. Put the chives into the pot, stir fry until the chimes are broken, and some salt to


Eating delicious food can also lose weight!? Eating delicious food every day will make you thinner and healthier.... This is true~  

Also known as The M.D., Caroline J. Cederquist has spent her life's work helping patients achieve healthy weight loss, through her years of clinical practice as a weight loss physician. Her understanding of what nutrition your body needs in order to achieve healthy weight loss, inspired her and her husband, The Foodie, to create bistroMD. Caroline wanted to provide her patients, and others struggling with weight, the ability to easily prepare healthy and delicious entrees at home. In addition to her one-on-one work with patients, Caroline is a past Trustee for the American Board of Bariatric Physicians, and has appeared as a weight loss expert on several nationally known talk shows, including Dr. Phil.

Before each entree is delivered, it starts with a spark of culinary inspiration from our Foodie, Ed. This spark is then shared with our award-winning chefs and our Registered Dietitians.

Good food isn't just defined by taste. Good food should also be of good quality, which means we constantly work together toward gathering the finest quality traceable and environmentally-responsible ingredients.

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