Different delicious ~ delicious chicken breast dishes


Smooth and juicy pan-fried chicken breast


About 10 cloves of garlic

1 piece chicken breast

1 tablespoon honey

Appropriate amount of salt

Moderate amount of black peppers

A tablespoon of oil


Let it go first to get rid of the dryness and almost no texture. It is super tender

and juicy~ It's great with rice or scallion oil noodles.

Prepared minced garlic

Soak up excess moisture with a kitchen towel

If it is a thicker chicken breast, you can slice it from the middle to make it easier

to taste and cook.

Sprinkle salt and black pepper on both sides

Smeared with honey

You can use the temperature of your hands to use seasoning to make horse-

killing chicken Sprinkle minced garlic, pour in a tablespoon of oil to seal the

chicken The chicken is refrigerated for 12-24 hours, and the box I marinated

the day before.

Add some oil and fry over low heat

When one side turns caramel brown, turn over and cover until cooked

Not dry at all, super tender and delicious, completely changed the way I eat

chicken breasts.

Sautéed Chicken Breast


Piece of chicken breast

Half spoon of salt

1 top black pepper

3 tablespoons cooking wine

2 scoops of soy sauce

2 tablespoons minced garlic

1 tablespoon starch

Olive oil 5g

Water 50ml


Cut a piece of chicken breast in half and cut into two even slices, then pat lightly

with the back of a knife to make it softer and easier to taste.

Add half a tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of black pepper, 3 tablespoons of

cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of minced garlic, and 1

tablespoon of starch to the chicken breast (starch is to make the meat more

tender, if you are strictly controlling it can be omitted) and stir well, marinate for

30 minutes to fully absorb.

The key was to tender the chicken breasts: Pour 5g of olive oil into the pan and

heat it for 20 seconds, and the marinated chicken breasts, from both sides for

about 15 seconds to make the surface slightly discolored.

Then pour in 50ml of water, cover and summer for about 2 minutes on low heat

until the water is dry, turn to medium heat, and fry on both sides for 20 seconds

until the surface is golden brown.

*Boiled chicken breast with steam, the meat is more tender, and the chicken

breast fully absorbs water and becomes more juicy.

Sauteed Chicken Breast is done!

Oven version chicken breast


1 piece chicken breast

Moderate amount of black peppers

A little pepper

Maggi soy sauce

Soy sauce a little

Appropriate amount of cooking wine

Moderate fuel consumption

Appropriate amount of salt

Olive oil (or corn oil)


Wash the chicken breast, drain the water, but the surface of the chicken breast

with a few knives, this will make it more flavorful, and all the seasonings

Knead with gloves Seal and marinate for about 2 hours. I usually put it in the

refrigerator after marinating and put it in the oven the next day.

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C for about 20 minutes

Baked chicken breast

Serve with broccoli, salad dressing

Smooth chicken breast in soup dumplings


2 chicken breasts

1 tablespoon starch

10 grams of salt

1 scoop of soy sauce

1 scoop of dark soy sauce

1 bunch chive flowers

6 shiitake mushrooms

Half an onion


I have two chicken breasts + half an onion + a handful of leek flowers + 6

shiitake mushrooms, chopped by hand, put in a spoonful of light soy sauce and

dark soy sauce, and a spoonful of starch/tender meat powder, marinated for two

hours, the longer the time More delicious.

The method is the same as that used in the previous chicken breast wonton

stew Wrap and fire for 25 minutes

After 25 minutes was over, suffocated for another 10 minutes

Then you can cook
