The laziest NEAT weight loss method in history, you can increase your metabolism without sweating, and you are secretly losing weight at any time


The laziest NEAT weight loss method in history,

you can increase your metabolism without sweating,

and you are secretly losing weight at any time

Known as the laziest "NEAT weight loss method" in history

Everyone knows that in addition to diet, exercise is also indispensable for

weight loss. However, modern people are busy with getting off work and

just want to stay at home after work. How can they go out for a job or go to

the gym? It doesn't matter, because what I'm going to introduce today is

the "NEAT weight loss method" known as the laziest in history. It achieves

the effect of losing weight through small actions in life, so you don't have to

sweat hard, and you can even do it at home and at work. It not only helps

Improve metabolism, but it is very effective for people who enter the

stagnation period of weight loss!

What is the NEAT diet?

The so-called NEAT's full name is "Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis",

which refers to non-exercise consumption. It was proposed by Dr. James

Levine, who specializes in obesity research in the United States. In simple

terms, it refers to the calories consumed by all activities except deliberate

exercise (playing ball, fitness, stepping on the flywheel, jogging, etc.),

including commuting, housework, moving things, cooking, work and other


Therefore, according to different lifestyles, each person's NEAT will be very

different, just like two people who are also sitting in the office. One sits very

regularly and rarely moves around, and the other is quiet. If you don't get

down, people who hang out next door, and go to fill water and go to the

toilet from time to time, the calorie consumption can be hundreds of


How should the NEAT diet be implemented?

So how exactly should the NEAT weight loss method be implemented? In

fact, it is very simple, as long as you develop the habit of "hyperactivity" in

your life! The following small habits will not be very tiring to do, but they can

effectively increase calorie consumption!

1. When commuting, try to stand without sitting down, while maintaining a

pinch on the buttocks

2. Don't sit still during working hours, you can get up and walk every hour

or two

3. Get off one stop earlier and take more stairs

4. You can stand up and do some stepping exercises when chasing

dramas at home

5. When brushing your teeth, keep your back straight and your head up


6. Don't lie on the sofa at home, you can do more housework and move


NEAT Enhanced Edition-7 Seconds Sit Down Exercise

Then, if you really don't even want to go out, or stay at home all day

because of the epidemic, there is a very simple way to increase the amount

of exercise. And stand up, if you can increase calorie consumption through

this simple action, it will be of great help for weight loss!

It's very simple, just sit down slowly while counting to 7, and then stand up

within 1 second. It is recommended to do it once every 2 days, 10 times

each time. This squat-like movement mainly exercises the muscles of the

lower body, such as the thighs, buttocks, and calves. And the frequency of

once a day is more effective in increasing muscle mass than doing it every


Set goals, record data, and slowly increase NEAT consumption

No matter what you do, it is always the most difficult to take the first step,

even the seemingly simple NEAT. For people who are usually too lazy to

move, it may even be difficult for him to go and get a glass of water.

Therefore, it is recommended to do it in a step-by-step manner. If you like

watching TV, then stand and watch TV for an hour today. If you do not

exclude walking, then take a little more detour and take a few more steps

on your way home from work.

Then you can set your own goals, for example, you have to take the stairs

to go home this week, or you have to do housework every day this week,

etc. At the same time, you can record your own physical data. If you have

completed your goals this week, you can also do it on weekends. Giving

yourself a small reward, maybe a drink you've been waiting for a long time,

or a delicious dinner, can help make the weight loss process more

motivated and happier!

In fact, there is no specific time limit for implementing the NEAT weight loss

