25 Foods You Must Avoid! Donuts, soft drinks, and canned fruit are all on the list

From unhealthy fats to sugar substitutes, these foods really have little nutritional


Trying to resist the temptation of certain foods can be difficult, especially when they

look so delicious. But there's a catch: most of the foods we're told not to eat may

"actually" be bad for us. In fact, what foods are considered "bad" can vary from

person to person.

For example, dairy or gluten foods may be bad for you because you will always

have an upset stomach or headache after consuming them. "We have to know that

some foods like dairy or wheat are common allergens, and some people don't

tolerate them, " says Julie Andrews (M.S., R.D.N.), a Wisconsin-based dietitian and

nutrition consultant. "But that doesn't mean dairy and gluten are bad for everyone."

While everyone has a completely different body condition and foods that may react

badly, there are some foods that we should all try to avoid in general. Not only do

the foods we're talking about don't provide a lot of nutritional value for your body,

but sometimes worse, they can also pose a risk to your health. The following will tell

you about which foods you should avoid.


Canned Fruit

What makes this fruit so delicious? Sugar, sugar, and more sugar. "When fruit is in

'light syrup' or 'concentrated syrup' cans, it means the fruit is full of sugar."

"The fruit itself has a lot of sweetness, so you don't need to add sugar to it, " says

Amy Gorin (M.S., R.D.N.), founder of Amy Gorin Nutrition in the New York area.

Still, if you find it convenient to eat canned fruit, here's some good news: Some

canned fruit isn't packed in that syrupy concoction. "Remember to read the

ingredient label to make sure the fruit you're buying is canned in 100 percent juice

or water, " Gorin said. "Neither canned fruit has any added sugar."


Vegetable shortening

For bakery bakers, shortening can do more harm than good to your pastry or cake.

Because vegetable shortening contains hydrogenated fats, which are artificial fats,

vegetable oils can solidify at room temperature by adding and ions to them, Andrew


While hydrogenated oils are a good thing for manufacturers because they increase

the expiration date of a product, they're pretty bad for you. "Consuming

hydrogenated fats regularly increases your low-density lipoprotein (LDL), a 'bad'

cholesterol, and lowers high-density lipoprotein (HDL), a 'good' cholesterol, which

can increase your heart disease, " says Andrew. Risk." In fact, you're better off

using real butter than shortening when baking properly, she adds.



This is another product that contains hydrogenated oils, Andrews said. In addition,

powdered and liquid creamers also contain high fructose corn syrup and artificial

sweeteners. High fructose syrup can damage your liver by increasing fatty liver.

Artificial sweeteners are also associated with many problems, including

Gastrointestinal disease. (Other alternatives to corn syrup have similar effects on

the body, such as natural corn syrup, isolated fructose, corn syrup, dextrose,

fructose syrup, and tapioca syrup.)

But that doesn't mean you need to quit coffee (and its benefits) entirely. You can try

drinking black coffee or using almond, coconut, cashew, goat milk, or organic

creamer from grass-fed cows in place of the original creamer.


Diet soda

Diet sodas contain sugar substitutes, which is the main reason why you should

avoid diet soda whenever possible. "Those sugar substitutes are probably worse

than real sugar, " says Shonail Soans (M.S., R.D, C.D.N.), a dietary nutritionist with

New York City Nutriotion. Sugar substitutes have been linked to cancer (though

much research is needed to confirm the risks) and gastrointestinal problems, and

aspartame, the main ingredient in diet sodas, has also been linked to the

development of diabetes, Soans said.


Low-fat peanut butter

Peanut butters are good, mainly because they contain beneficial trans fats. "But

when you start removing the fat from peanut butter, not only do you reduce your

chances of getting heart-healthy fats, you also get more of the extra sugar and

additives out of it, " Gorin said. Removed fat."

Best rule of thumb when shopping for peanut butter? It has to be natural and

contains only three ingredients on the ingredient label: peanuts, oil, and possibly a

pinch of Salt, Gorin says.


Horsehead fish

Fish is a good staple to add to your diet, but it's best to eat low-mercury, fatty fish

such as salmon and sardines, which contain omega-3s and are rich in EPA and

DHA, Gorin says. But there is one type of fish you might want to avoid when dining

out at a seafood restaurant: horsehead, a type of fish that contains excess mercury,

the high levels of which can poison you if you eat too much.


White flour oatmeal

Yes, those sweet breakfast cereals are delicious, but watch out if they're made with

white flour. This type of cereal is low in nutritional value and high in refined

carbohydrates, which means that not only do they not make you feel full, but they

can spike and drop your blood sugar rapidly, Andrews says. They can leave you

dead, moody, and make you want to eat more. You can choose high-fiber cereals

like bran flakes instead of white-flour cereals.


Non-organic strawberries

Strawberries are at the top of Environmental Work's list of unclean foods, meaning

they are highly contaminated with pesticides during the traditional cultivation of

strawberries. Aside from environmental pollution, the other side of the problem is

that these pesticides can actually have a negative impact on your health.

Soans said : " "Pesticides in food may interfere with hormone production in the

body, " Soans said. Endocrine disruptors work with our hormone receptors and can

have a weaker or more severe effect on our body, which interferes with the function

of hormones, Soans said. This can be especially damaging to women, who may be

dealing with hormonal imbalances or thyroid problems.



"Classic lunch burger meats can do more harm than good because they are 'cured

meat'. Cured meat has been linked to a number of bad problems, including high

blood pressure and heart disease. "And salami is also high in saturated fat and

contains sodium nitrite, which can damage your health by forming harmful irritating

compounds, " Andrews said.


Blended juice

Don't let the word "juice" confuse you. "Juice here means juice with extra added

sugar, " says Gorin. "Adding extra calories to your diet isn't necessary for you." So if

you really want to drink juice, don't choose the sugar content. For high blended

juices, you can choose 100% original juices instead.



Much like those white-flour-based cereals, doughnuts are made from refined

carbohydrates and don't provide many nutritional benefits, Andrews said. According

to the American Heart Association, because doughnuts are usually fried, this makes

them high in trans fat, which raises your LDL (bad cholesterol) and lowers your

high-density lipoprotein (good cholesterol). That doesn't mean you have to say no

to refined carbs (and donuts), but in general, if you can manage your diet while

enjoying your food, your health will thank you a lot.


Premade dough

Despite the high convenience of pre-made dough, it is actually high in artificial trans

fats (that is, those hydrogenated fats that we mentioned earlier by adding hydrogen

to liquid vegetable oils to solidify vegetable oils), Julie, author of The Healing Soup

Cookbook Harrington (R.D.) Said. Those trans fats (in addition to affecting your

cholesterol) also increase your risk of heart disease and stroke, according to the

American Heart Association.


Bags of Creamy Popcorn

Cream-flavored popcorn uses artificial cream flavoring, which can inflame your

body, says Lorraine Kearney (N.D.T.R., C.D.N.), a nutritionist and founder of New

York City Nutrition. Also, if you pop these popcorn into microwaveable bags at

home, those bags will produce chemicals. If you can, try popping the popcorn on

the stove in a pan while at home and avoid those mass-produced bags. "When we

make popcorn at home, we can try to control the ingredients, " Kearney said.


Instant noodles

Some kind of rule of thumb? When something has the word "fast food" in its name,

it's probably something you need to avoid. "Whenever they see the word 'fast food,'

they must have done something to the food to make it fast, " Soans said. "They

probably simplified the food and removed some of the fiber and ingredients we

wanted. "

In addition, the sodium content in instant noodles is quite high, and instant noodles

contain so-called monosodium glutamate, which can also cause some problems.

“MSG is a seasoning that adds flavor to food, it's often used in cooking, and there

are a lot of restaurants that use it, ” Kearney said. Taste it. But consuming MSG

increases our hunger, which in turn causes us to eat more.”


Sugar substitutes (artificial sweeteners)

Yes, while it may sound different than you think, you will definitely want to stay

away from sugar substitutes. "In the past, people would usually say, don't eat

refined sugar, try diet soda and sugar substitutes and all products that contain

sugar substitutes, " Soans said. But as she mentioned earlier, sugar substitutes

may have worse consequences for your health than typical refined sugar, due to its

potential health effects and unknown risks. Better yet, try to eat some regular sugar

in moderation.



When we are about to eat, we are all used to sprinkling a little salt on the food.

While a little salt is okay, it's better to choose sea or Himalayan salt over standard

table salt. Because table salt has been bleached and stripped of its natural

minerals, Soans said. Plus, it's high in sodium, making you prone to inflammation,

Kearney says.



Much like Energy drinks, gelatin-made treats are loaded with artificial flavors and

sugars that can cause harm. They also contain artificial coloring, a well-known

carcinogen, Kearney said. And a chemical called Red #40 is an ingredient linked to

ADHD — which has led European countries to put warnings on food labels that

"may be negative for children's movement and attention." Influences."


Instant meal

It's really convenient, but instant meals are usually high in sodium. “Some ready-to-

eat meals have 800 900 milligrams of sodium per serving, " Kearney said. Most

ready-to-eat meals contain two and a half servings, and we absolutely eat an entire

package of ready-to-eat meals at once, so This will easily get you 2,000 mg of

sodium in one meal.

Is there any problem with eating this at one time? The American Heart Association

recommends eating no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day, or about a

teaspoon of table salt a day, Kearney said. So with just one pack of ready meals,

we're almost in the range of sodium we can take in a day, which can leave us

feeling bloated, burdened and lethargic, Ke Kearney says.


Energy drink

Why are energy drinks so good? Because they are full of artificial flavors and sugar.

"Many energy drinks may contain higher amounts of sugar or use artificial flavors

that can inflame your body, " Kearney said.

When it comes to these energy drinks, most companies are reluctant to disclose

what the artificial flavors added to the drinks are. "So we can drink blueberry-

flavored energy drinks, but we don't know what chemicals create the blueberry

flavor, " Kearney said.


Low-fat ice cream

Don't get caught up in this craze so quickly, especially if you have digestive issues.

That's because low-fat or diet ice cream replaces sugar with sugar alcohol and

when you eat too much sugar alcohol, your body can respond with diarrhea,

Kearney says. If you have a sensitive stomach or sensitive organ system, you'll feel

these reactions more quickly, she adds.


Plant-Based Burgers

While plant-based burgers may seem like a healthier alternative to regular burgers,

plant-based burgers are actually made up of many completely artificial ingredients,

Kearney said. The burger also contains many flavor enhancers and is usually made

from a blend of soy protein, which means it doesn't actually contain complete

protein, so the burger is very nutrient-poor.

"One thing that has always worried me is whether a product is n't true, Kearney

said. "And the Impossible Burger is branded, and because of that, you don't fully

understand Tibetan. What are the ingredients in a plant-based burger?"


Cottonseed oil

If you can, swapping cottonseed oil for another variety, such as olive or avocado oil,

is a better option. Because cottonseed oil is an extracted vegetable oil, it may be

genetically modified and highly processed, Soans said. In addition, it contains many

omega-6 fatty acids, which, if consumed in excess, can trigger inflammation and

have been linked to heart disease, diabetes and cognitive impairment, Soans




Rice is refined and processed, which means it can be harmful to your health

compared to other alternatives, such as ancient grains and wild rice. What is the

main reason? Plain rice can negatively affect your blood sugar levels, Soans says.

In fact, eating too much rice may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes

because of the effect on blood sugar levels.


Tea with sugar

Tea itself has many health benefits, but when you start adding sugar to tea, those

benefits start to disappear. "Sugar-sweetened beverages naturally have a lot of

sugar in them, and they don't provide much, if any, nutrition at all, " Andrews said.

What's more, many studies show that regular consumption of sugar-sweetened

beverages, such as sugar-sweetened tea, can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, and

heart disease, Andrews said.


Premade crust

Much like pre-made dough, pre-made crusts contain hydrogenated fats, which can

increase your LDL (bad cholesterol), which in turn increases your risk of heart

disease, says Andrews. But don't worry if you don't have time to make your own

crust, just make sure you've double-checked the ingredient label for hydrogenated


"Hydrogenated fat is a type of trans fat, but even if the nutrition label tells you it

contains 0 grams of trans fat, the product may still have hydrogenated fat, "

Andrews said. Trans fats are less than 0.5 grams, and the FDA allows

manufacturers to list their trans fats as 0 grams on ingredient labels.”

Older versions of this article have been rewritten, updated, and medically reviewed

to ensure scientific accuracy. 

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