Why do some obese people keep losing weight, but they can't lose weight?

Obesity is something we all dislike. In terms of appearance, it 

affects my body and beauty; in terms of health, obese people 

have relatively more physical problems. As a result, many 

friends came together and the most discussed topic was 

"weight loss"-how to control your weight.

Many friends measure their weight every day, and some are 

accurate to "grams". This is why our living standards have 

improved now, and overnutrition is also a reason. Therefore, 

the first thing that many people think of when they wake up 

every day is "weight loss". However, the specific effect of 

weight loss is also good and bad. There are even some 

people who have been losing weight all the time, but they just 

can't lose weight. Why is this?

The ancient Chinese medical book "Huangdi Neijing" has a 

relatively comprehensive exposition on obesity. It can be seen 

that the problem of obesity existed in ancient times and is not 

a patent of modern people. In this passage, the Neijing 

divides obesity into three types: "fat, cream, and fat". The 

reasons and manifestations of these three types are different. 

In general, it is a problem of qi and blood.

1. Meat man: This kind of person has closely connected skin 

and flesh, rough skin, broad body, strong bones and muscles, 

and dense muscles. Most of them are of damp-heat 

constitution. Due to the damp-heat fumigation in the body, 

they cause "Qi deficiency" and cause obesity.

2. Fat people: This kind of obese person is "fat but not fat", 

which means "more muscle and less fat". Their muscles are 

firm and elastic, their limbs are normal, and fat accumulates in 

the viscera. Their bodies are often hot and sweaty, mainly due 

to insufficient gasification due to his deficiency, and fat 

accumulation leads to obesity.

3. Ointment: This kind of obesity is mainly due to the 

accumulation of fat under the skin, with a lot of fat and loose, 

poor elasticity and sagging. Generally, the inner upper arms, 

waist, and thighs are the most "fat". Most of them have 

phlegm-dampness constitution, phlegm-dampness hinders qi 

movement, and qi transformation is relatively insufficient, 

resulting in obesity.

Through the classification of the internal classics, we can get 

some clues from it: the formation of obesity is mainly related 

to "Qi", the lack of Qi due to lack of Qi, the weakening of Qi 

due to dampness and heat, and the influence of phlegm and 

dampness on Qi. These three aspects can eventually lead to 

obesity. Therefore, if we want to lose weight, we should 

consider these three aspects.

1. Damp-heat constitution: For obesity caused by damp-heat 

constitution, simple control of diet and diet may not be very 

effective in relieving obesity. If we want to lose weight, we 

should consider getting rid of damp and hot qi to ensure the 

smooth flow of qi in the body. The heat and humidity are 

gone, the Qi machine is smoother, and the accumulated fat is 

also evaporated and reduced. For example, mung beans, 

asparagus, and barley are all foods that clear away heat and 

dampness, and smoothen the air. You can eat more 


2. Phlegm-dampness constitution: I think modern people are 

more obese with phlegm-dampness constitution. Because 

modern people are relatively less active and prefer cold diets, 

these are bad habits that cause spleen deficiency and phlegm 

dampness. Although the purpose of this type of obesity is to 

remove phlegm and dampness, I think the root cause is to 

strengthen the spleen and transform qi. Once the spleen is 

transported and transformed, phlegm-dampness will naturally 

disappear. For example, yam, Atractylodes, lentils, and white 

radish, not only strengthen the spleen, but also reduce 

phlegm and dampness, and comb qi. You can eat more 


3. Qi-deficiency constitution: This type of obesity refers to the 

category of "fat people". That is to say, the trunk is mainly 

zoomed and fat, but the limbs are not very obvious. Because 

Qi deficiency leads to insufficient gasification, the fundamental 

solution to the problem is to replenish Qi. Therefore, warming 

the yang and transforming the qi, strengthening the spleen 

and replenishing the qi should be the available methods to 

eliminate this type of obesity. Astragalus, yam, red beans, etc. 

are all foods that strengthen the spleen and qi, and are more 

suitable for obesity with this constitution.

In short, weight loss is a very hot topic for us now. Many 

friends try to lose weight, but the effect is not ideal. From the 

perspective of the "Huangdi Neijing", it may be possible to 

distinguish the constitution, adjust the internal state according 

to the specific situation, and solve the root cause of obesity 

from the "basic", which may also be an idea that can be used 

for reference.

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