Low-fat yam chicken meatballs ~ staple meal replacement for weight loss, delicious without gaining weight


I have a fat-prone physique, and I stop and go on the road to

lose weight all year round. I gained a lot of fat during the

Chinese New Year. It has been ten days since I started losing

weight, and I lost 4-5 catties. I used low-fat and low-calorie.

Diet plus the appropriate amount of aerobic exercise, it is not

recommended to rely on hunger to lose weight, this is

unhealthy and will cause endocrine disorders! Today, I will

teach you how to make a low-fat and delicious chicken breast

meatball. The chicken breast meat is relatively low-fat. It is

muddy with yam. The taste is soft. Chicken contains protein.

Yam is a carbohydrate food that strengthens the spleen and

stomach. It is served with dietary fiber and spinach. A

nutritionally balanced fat-reducing meal is born

Required ingredients~

1 chicken breast

1 yam

1 handful spinach

1 egg

2 grams of salt

White pepper powder 2 g

2 g ground black pepper

Chicken essence 2 grams

Sesame oil 2ml

1 tsp oyster sauce


1. Spinach is cleaned properly, a piece of chicken breast, and a piece of iron stick yam

2. Cut the chicken breast into cubes, peel and cut the dam into sections and put them in an electric mixer

3. Add salt, chicken essence, white pepper powder, cooking wine, one egg and 1 spoon of oyster sauce

4. Stir in the minced meat

5. Put cold water in the pot, turn on the minimum fire, squeeze out the balls with your hands, and put them into the pot with the help of a spoon

6. After all the operations are completed, skim off the first after the water is boiled

7. Take another pot and put it in the water. After the water boils, put the spinach and branch for 30 seconds.

8. Put the spinach into the meatballs, add salt, white pepper, and sesame oil to taste

9. The yam chicken balls are made, healthy, low-fat and low-calorie, no matter how you eat, you will not get fat

10. Raw boiled yam chicken balls, served with spinach, sprinkled with crushed black pepper, can also be eaten as a fat-reducing meal

Cooking Tips:

1. Yam is prone to allergies, remember to wear gloves when handling

2. The meatballs need to be boiled in a cold water pot (the meatballs will not disperse). After the water boils, spin off the foam

3. Spinach contains oxalic acid, so it can be used after blanching alone

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For most of my life, I've always been a bit 'chubby'. I guess it's just a genetic thing. My sweet tooth hasn't helped out of course. =) Now that I'm about to turn 40, I've realized the 'chubby' has simply turned into UGLY FAT! For a solid 16 months, I tried a lot of fat burning supplements and altered my diet, my workouts and everything else in my life to get rid of this life-long fat. Most of the supplement didn't work, but that's not that surprising. Now, some did, but it wasn't a long-term effect and I always felt nervous or overly anxious on these other fat burning supplements.

One of the head trainers at my gym here in Santa Monica referred me to your product and SWORE by it. Well, I didn't expect much, but I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a try with summer coming and all. You'd be pleased to know the effects have been very, very, very positive. So far, it's worked the best at getting rid of my body fat. But the really neat part is that it's KEEPING IT OFF. Yes, I still have to take it, but it seems that as long as I'm on it, I feel and look great.

The product doesn't stop working like other do after a few weeks. Plus, it's really killed my sugar craving and the extra energy means more cardio at the gym. So, I'm really doing well and super happy with your product. It's really well done. Thanks ... I'll keep you posted on my results


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