Let you eat and get thinner, easy to lose weight is not a dream, losing weight is so simple


Can You Really "Cheat" On Your Diet & 

Still Lose Weight?    

BLOCK Unhealthy Carbs, Sugars & 

Fats From Turning Into 

Ugly Body Fat

Carb, Sugar & Fat Blocker

A 22+ year, doctor-formulated vegan pill that I originally 

formulated for myself so I can occasionally “cheat” on my diet, 

and eat some of my favorite foods, without the worry of gaining 

weight or feeling guilty. CHEATmeals™ works by “ blocking” 

unhealthy carb, sugar & fat calories.* Contains scientifically 

researched ingredients supporting:

Reduction of Sugars & Fats Entering Bloodstream

Appetite Control (including sugar cravings)

Colon Health & Regularity (3 different fibers)

Enhanced Digestion (4 different digestive enzymes)

NO Stimulants (jitters, pressure, etc.)

We've been in business since 1996 and online since 1999. We 

KNOW our formulas work and prove it with scientific studies.

That's why we give you an 1 YEAR to try our products risk-free.

However, because CHEATmeals™ is so effective and works 

quickly, we guarantee it'll help "neutralize" carbs, sugars & fats 

in 30 days, or receive a full refund + an additional $100.00 cash 


to witness its effect, You will find this is a really great product~

already lost 7 lbs
This email might be a little long, but I want to let you know 

just how much I appreciate your product. I take 3 capsules 

of CHEATmeals with both lunch and dinner. I don't take it 

with my afternoon snack, since it's just yogurt or maybe an 

apple. So far, I've lost a total of 6.5 lbs in 3 weeks. I mean, 

it's not that much ... but I'm not that overweight to begin with. 

Plus, I haven't changed anything in my diet or added in extra 

cardio. For the first time, dieting is kinda easy for me. Take care 


lost 5 lbs, it works 

I feel that these DO work. I don't take them as suggested 

because I already try not to eat too much of the bad carbs. But 

for those times when I go out to eat at restaurants and want 

that pasta bowl, or a couple of those fries, I pop them in! after 

eating alot of carbs I usually feel heavily bloated and 

uncomfortable but with these carb blockers I don't anymore! Im 

already a very active person, and have overall healthy eating 

habits but i feel that these help me for when i have those times 

that i just want to indulge those bread bowls. I weighed 132 Lb. 

for the Longest time and now I am down to 128 Lb.


will buy more

If you expect these to help you lose weight you will be sorely 

disappointed so take some responsibility and change, pills ain't 

going to make much difference if you don't change, obviously. 

Following a good diet (paleo for me) has been the trick and 

once in a while before having a carb I take 2-4 of these (2 

30mins before eating and 2 right before eating) and instead of it 

taking me a week to get back on track and start losing weight, it 

takes only a day or 2 with no insane cravings (this makes it 

very easy to continue my chosen plan) and also less carb 

crashing after the incident. Fantastic, love them for the 

occasional pizza, beer or birthday cake a couple times per 





works great! 

We have had allot of celebrating lately. Thought for sure I would 

pack on the weight, but I was taking the CHEAT MEALS 

faithfully. Not only did I NOT gain weight... but others have 

asked me if I lost weight. Now I am afraid of scales, so I'm not 

sure, but my clothes fit good. I haven't gotten stomach cramps 

or anything like that from this. But the next day after taking the 

supplement, I have a healthy bowel moment. I like the digestive 

support it gives.


lost over 9 lbs so far with zero effort - me likes it

What I like most about your product is the fact that I can take it 

any time, any where. I don't get jittery or anything and my 

cholesterol has come down 33 points in the past 11 weeks. I've 

lost a total of 9 lbs without any effort or feeling guilty or 

depriving myself.


I gained a pound

I took your Cheat Meals as directed, but I gained a pound at the 

end of the week, why? Granted, I was on a 7 day cruise to 

Alaska and was eating the entire time since the food was 

included for free in the cruise package. I was also drinking 

more too. But I think i should have lost weight.

If you were eating more food for an entire week and you only 

gained 1 lb, then that's really good. I can guarantee that without 

using CHEATmeals, you would have gained even MORE 

weight. Plus, that 1 lb might just be water weight from the salty 

foods. If you utilized CHEATmeals with your regular diet and 

calories, you would have surely lost weight. CHEATmeals did 

its job on your trip. I think you should be happy. 


To buy or to know more, please click the link directly



