When your family can't understand why you want to lose weight, How do you stick to your weight loss plan?

People who want to control their weight strictly calculate calories at home, and eat 

vegetables carefully at friend gatherings, but they face family gatherings.  

The relatives' "I hope you eat more" are helpless, suffering from heart, and can't 

argue with each other, as if it's difficult to resist the enemy single-handedly! ! !


Yes, I have been in this state for a long time, and I feel anxious when I think of 

someone trying to "morally kidnap" me! ! !

Often it's: your grandma's hard fried chicken nuggets for 1 hour, you just don't eat 

this dish, just buy this dish for you,You can eat this meal soon!

Huh? Why don't you eat? Do you lose weight? Then a table of people began to 

discuss why I should lose weight while continuing to persuade me to eat more.. this

Even if I eat some meals, I feel very uncomfortable eating. The way 

take is to stick to my own position and not radically refuse, as long as my relatives

If you have any questions, please explain and reply politely! If this series doesn't 

change the situation that they insist you eat, then control your emotions.

Vegetables you can eat, walk away politely after eating.. Be cautious at the next 


In fact, eating with your family can also lose weight, as long as you master some 


1. Drink a glass of water before eating to make yourself feel full, so that you can 

control your energy intake.

2. Eat vegetables before the main meal, and eat as many vegetables as possible, 

so that you can control your calorie intake and increase your feeling of fullness at 

the same time.

3. If you have lean meat, you can eat lean meat. If you don't have lean meat, you 

should eat less or not fat.

4. The staple food is also edible, but remember to control the amount, just a small 


5. Don't drink the bone soup, which contains a certain amount of fat, which is not 

conducive to weight loss. You can let your family cook some other vegetables or, 

egg soup, a less oily soup.If you really want to lose weight, learn these dietary 

techniques, which can achieve the effect of weight loss and ensure a happy 

meal with your family.
