A healthy life is beautiful, why do so many people choose to be obese? Is it really so difficult to make up your mind to lose weight?

It's really not that simple to make up your mind to lose weight, even if you realize

that your weight has been seriously exceeded, However, if you think about it, you

can live a lifetime.

Why don't you just eat and drink and enjoy life. What?!!

Let me start losing weight today? Heh..heh... Let me eat first, let's talk.

Ahem, let's talk about making up our minds to lose weight today.

Are you fat?

I know a netizen, this girl is 170cm tall and weighs 70kg. The elders around her

said that she was not fat, and friends said that she was "too fat"

and the girl herself said: "Sometimes she feels that she is very fat,

and sometimes she feels that she is okay, and she is always determined to

lose weight." The truth is that in the eyes of your elders and relatives, you are

always the most perfect, but you should not use this to paralyse yourself. In fact,

the more you weigh, the more numb you feel about your weight, it doesn't matter.

One of the reasons why lean people maintain their weight is that they are very

sensitive to their own weight. So, when does this girl feel like she is "too fat" as her

friend calls it?

Optimistic thinking, I didn't feel fat when I was 160 pounds, and I didn't feel the

need to lose weight at 170, 180, 190, and felt that "fat is good." Of course,

I still want to lose weight in my heart, but if you told me to quit the hamburger

pizza, it would kill me.

It wasn't until the weight exceeded 200 that the girl really realized that she had

become a big one! Fat! Son! NS!

Let's go back and think about it, is it easy to lose weight starting from 160, or is it

easier to lose weight after gaining 200 pounds? Although we all know the answer,

the more you get fatter, the more lazy you are, and the more lazy you are, the fatter

you are. As your weight continues to increase, your mobility will get worse and

worse It's a bit like the story of a frog boiled in warm water.

Regarding weight and the question of whether you are fat or not, to put it simply,

the person who loves you is not objective, the person who loves you is not

objective, and the person who you believe in it is inconvenient to say that you are

often the last in the world and find yourself "really." People who have gained weight.

And when you realize this, you have changed from "slightly fat" to "fat".

I regretted that it was better to grasp now, why not admit from now on that my

weight was actually overweight? Admit: I am not actually thin, I am actually fat, I

must lose weight.

You can not do anything related to weight loss at all, but please calmly face your

body and weight. In fact, when you recognize this, you have already begun to lose

weight. Losing weight does not mean that your life will undergo a drastic change


So the question is, why can't we make up our minds to start losing weight? Why do

you have to wait until you become a fat man to know that you want to lose weight?

Why can't you make up your mind?

Think about it, "I'm thirsty, go drink water." Is it necessary to make up your mind?

No need, because:

This is a physiological need, and you will feel uncomfortable and even die of thirst if

you don't drink water.

The action of drinking water is very simple, with little effort and high efficiency.

Imagine that if you don't have a drop of drinking water at home, you will go to the

supermarket to buy water if you are lazy, or even drink tap water directly. Because

this is a physiological need, people will feel uncomfortable if they don't drink water,

and even die of thirst.

So, why can't you make up your mind to lose weight? Because you think~

1. You don't think it's okay to be fat?

There is no need to say more about the disadvantages of obesity.

You can find 12.6 million results by entering the keyword "the disadvantages of

obesity" in a Google search, but this is meaningless. The point is whether you are

aware of it. However, I realize that these are really difficult, just like smoking can

cause lung cancer.

Every day, so many people still smoke. We always have to do something wrong

before we know how to cherish our bodies. It's no wonder that, as far as weight loss

is concerned, we will never cry without seeing the coffin.

​I am not going to tell you Barabara about the dangers of obesity. I just want to ask

you, do you really plan to be fat for the rest of your life? Even if you think "I am not

fat" or "It's okay to be fat"! If you can become thin, would you like it?

I don't think anyone would want to be a thin person of normal weight: look better in

clothes, be more confident, do all activities easily, and the whole person is full of

vitality. This feeling is very cool just to think about it, don't say anything. One day,

really became thin.

No matter what your weight level, no matter what you say, your heart must want to

become thin. So, why not lose weight? Because:

2. You think it takes a lot to lose weight.

Ok, now let's try to admit that our weight is indeed overweight, and our body shape

is indeed abnormal. Now you are going to start losing weight, then, tell me, how you

want to lose weight?

What are you going to do? Give you 10 seconds to think about it carefully~

I think 99% of the answers are nothing more than the following methods:


Going to the Gym

Walk more

Jump rope……

Sports, sports, sports

Control your diet, control your appetite, eat 80% full, do not eat fried food, do not

eat snacks, do not eat after lunch, do not eat or eat less at night,

Eat meal replacements, calculate and limit calorie intake.

Eat less, eat less, eat less

When it comes to weight loss, all you can think of is "eat less and exercise more.

" It's not to blame you. For so many years,

we have been brainwashed by the concept of weight loss like

"keep your mouth open and open your legs". Then you can answer another


 How do you ensure that you do the things mentioned above?In other words, how

do you allow yourself to exercise, how do you keep yourself from eating enough

every day?

I know that the answer to this question may be out of your mouth. However, I still

give you 10 seconds to think about it~

After thinking about it, there will be two results.

1. Hey.. forget it, I can't do it.

2. Persevere! Insist! Hold on!

If you survive this level and choose to persist, then your life will become like this:

Keep running every day

Go to the gym regularly

Keep walking after meals

Insist on skipping every day


Stick to exercise, exercise, exercise

If you want to lose weight fast, eat less and exercise more, "two-pronged


you also need to do these:

Keep eating control

Insist on eating 80% full

Insist not to eat fried

Insist on not eating snacks

Insist on not eating for lunch

Insist on not eating or eating less at night


Insist on eating less, eating less, eating less

If you just insisted on exercising at the beginning, after the weight reaches the so-

called plateau, you still can't escape the brainwashing of "three-point practice and

seven-point eating" on the Internet, and it is only a matter of time before you start to

control your diet.

Let's summarize the key words of the above text, which is probably:

"Persevere every day"


"Do not"

Okay, here comes the focus:

Losing weight is really not what you think.

The biggest misunderstanding about weight loss is that:

Weight loss = pain = persistence = perseverance = be hungry = run every day =

can't eat enough every day Of course, it is not your fault that you think this way,

but for a long time we have always thought that "success in weight loss" is a very

inspirational thing, and, like all inspirational stories, there will inevitably be the

sweat and resistance of the protagonist. The pressure and hardships of life are

such a touching weight loss story Many people think that the core of weight loss is

"persistence", "persistence" and the like, but in fact this is not the case at all!

Or to take a step back, you don't need this at all.

I believe that weight loss requires perseverance and persistence It's tantamount to

admitting that losing weight is painful Playing games require perseverance?

Does it take perseverance to watch a movie?

Do you need perseverance to buy things?

Anything that makes you happy does not require perseverance.

Shouldn't losing weight be something that makes you happy? Life after losing

weight, just a little imagination is enough to make you happy. Besides, you are

getting thinner, on your way to being thin. Think about it, shouldn’t it be exciting?

Losing weight is by no means a painful thing. No matter what method you use to

lose weight,you should be full of "pleasure," because you are getting thinner and

a thin life makes you yearn for.

You don't want to be fat all the time. Secondly, even if it fails and has no effect,

you haven't lost anything.

Back to the key words we summarized above: "persistent every day", "control",

"no". None of the above three words can make you feel positive or happy, let alone

generate action and execute it.

So, you can't make up your mind to lose weight, it's not your fault. It is that you

have been "brainwashed" by too much unfavorable information, thinking that

weight loss requires persistence and perseverance. This information not only

makes you feel that weight loss is painful and sacrifices a lot, but also makes you

enter a bigger misunderstanding. Then look at:

In fact, 90% of weight loss problems fall into the following categories

How to lose weight fast or healthy

How do I lose weight in this situation

How to thin belly, calf, butt

Why don't you keep running every day

How long does it take to receive xxx catties from xxx catties

How to lose xx catties in x months


Let me translate:

How can I lose weight?

How can you lose weight faster?

How am I thin in this situation?

How can you lose weight locally?

Why can't I lose weight after I have paid so much?

How long will it take me to lose weight?

And the truth is:

Losing weight is a long-term process.

There are no individual cases of weight loss, and you are no different from other


There is no way to lose weight locally.

I want to focus on the last two points: "Why can't I lose weight after I have paid so

much?" "

"How long will it take me to lose weight?". Once you "persist in" losing weight, your

mentality changes.

Persistence = tacitly admitting that you are in pain. And people's instinctive

response to painful things is to be free from pain. In order to lose weight, you force

yourself to continue suffering (persistence).

As a result, you start to think:

Why is it useless for me to suffer for so long?

How long should I continue to suffer?

Through my own "persistence" to carry out and continue the weight-loss journey,

the reason for the end is often the above two points.

However, at this moment I hope I can brainwash you again.

It's not difficult or painful to lose weight

You don't need to insist on losing weight

You don't need to do anything you can't find happiness in the process of weight loss

Losing weight is a joy

Happy things, the more you do, the happier you will be

Is it really important to make up your mind?

Regarding how to make up your mind to lose weight, in fact, you will see a lot of

methods and experiences, and you will also see a lot of inspirational stories.

But what I want to tell you is:

determination is not the same as losing weight.

For example, if I had poor grades in my student days, I was scolded by the teacher

one day, or I couldn’t stand the test scores. I finally made up my mind to study hard

every day, so I studied hard for one night, and stopped going to class the next day.

Sleep, the result:

Made up my mind and got serious for a day

Determined to be serious the next day

Made up my mind and got serious for the third day

You will find that you still don’t understand in class, and you still can’t write your

homework, so you tell yourself to stick to it, so:

Persevering in earnest for the fourth day

Persevering in earnest for the fifth day


The weekend is here, the weekend is gone, will you continue on Monday?

How long do you think you can hold on?

In the end, I found that the "determination" I had made at the time could not

withstand such torture, and then there was no more. In fact, you still can’t find the

joy of reading.

(And the most important thing is to keep an eye on the results and exams every

day, and pay too much attention to the results, and you will not feel the fun of it)

If you make up your mind to study hard and become a student, Tsinghua and

Peking University will have to expand their enrollment.

In terms of performance, it is much easier to increase the 150-point test from 100

to 120 than from 80 to 120.

Test scores don't mean anything, but they can objectively reflect a person's study

habits. As a person with good study habits, it is actually very easy to have a study

habit that can test 100 points, but it is actually very easy to change to a study habit

of 120 points. But the study habit of a person with 80 points and 120 points is a

huge difference. The same goes for weight loss.

Being fat and thin is not just about weight. The most important thing is that life and

eating habits are much worse! Your weight directly reflects your living habits.

The reason why many people fail to lose weight is to do things that can only be

done by thin people-such as long-distance running or sudden loss of food. The

heart is not thin, put you into the thin body, you will still get fat back.

It’s not difficult to lose weight at the beginning. You may weigh yourself someday,

or if you are told a few words, you can make up your mind to lose weight.

However, how long can your "determination" support you to walk? Recall, what

resolutions have we made up to now in our lives?

"I want to test the top three!"

"I want to go to xxx university!"

"I want to be xxx!"

"Before I turn 30, I want ___!"

Have you discovered what these determinations have in common?

The resolutions you make are all things in the future.

Our solutions for future events generally follow the following principles:

I'll talk about it tomorrow.

Of course, your determination may give you a certain amount of action in the short

term, but just like the example we gave above, it will not last forever, or it is

meaningless for the long-term process of weight loss. So, don’t make up your

mind, don’t swear, don’t lose weight just to prove it to anyone.

You lose weight for yourself, and you can do it today, now, and now. What to do

Seeing this, I hope that it may be very weak to wake you up again. Regarding the

idea of ​​losing weight, I also hope that you can re-recognize the matter of losing

weight. I know you are about to ask:

"What should I do?"

First of all, regardless of whether your current weight level is slightly fat or obese,

please accept and admit that this is a long-term process for weight loss.

How long is the long term? Think about our Hundred Days Oath in the third year of

high school.

We felt that time was tight for a hundred days before the college entrance


The so-called "long-term", there is no one hundred and eighty days to make the


Are you embarrassed? So don't think about how many pounds you will lose in one

or two months or even ten days and a half. Please do a good job of mental

construction that "it takes at least six months to lose weight."

Then from now on, regarding weight loss, please stop thinking about "what do I

want to do", that is, don't think about what kind of exercise you want to lose weight,

or how to adjust your eating habits. What you really have to think about seriously

is-"How do I (do one thing) do it for six months."

This question can be expanded to think about, for example, what are the small

changes that you can accept, and keep doing it every day for six months. Using

this as a criterion for choosing a way to lose weight, re-examine the exercise you

plan to do or how to control your diet.

If you plan to run to lose weight, then ask yourself, do you run every day? Can you

continue to run like this for half a year?

If you plan to skip lunch, ask yourself, can you skip meals every night? Can you

stop eating at night for half a year? In short, don't do anything that you find difficult

or unsustainable. Any weight loss method that you think needs to be "persistent",

you can leave it alone. Only things that are happy, that can bring a sense of

accomplishment, or that results are immediate, can you continue to do it

without persistence.

So, starting from the easiest and easiest, weight loss is a big project for six months


What you have to do now is to weigh it first and record it. Acknowledge that your

weight is indeed a little too high, and you have already started the first and most

important step in your weight loss journey! The diet does not need any regulation,

eat what you want, eat what you want, and eat as much as you want. All three

meals should be full and well eaten on time.

There is no need to count calories and no need to go for a run at all.

Do not exercise if you don't want to exercise. Any exercise is not a weight-loss


For weight loss, serious thinking and reflection will always be more effective than

exercise without a brain.

Because the core of weight loss is not "eat less and exercise more" at all, but the

gradual improvement of daily eating habits.

You are fat, not because you eat more, nor do you move less, but because you

want to eat more and you don’t want to move too much. Put the current you into a

thin body, and you will also get fat. So force yourself to eat less and move more.

Even if you do, it is difficult for you to enjoy the process. How can the things that

cannot be enjoyed last? So from now on, take a notebook and start with the

simplest record. Not in a hurry to exercise, First reflect on how to change your life,

what is a thin and healthy life.

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