Weight loss is a game of the brave, Six easy-to-use weight loss plans to lose weight easily


You can use these six weight loss plans directly, or you can

use them as a reference to revise your weight loss plan to

make it easier for you to lose weight.I wish you have success in losing weight~


This is the suggestion given by a colleague who loves fitness

and sports in the company, thank him very much!

But I have no confidence, I always feel that I must not be able

to do it, I know, when he hears  me say that, he must really

want to strangle me, But I've been obese for too long, used

to high-sugar and high-calorie foods for too long, and 

I don't have the habit of exercising.

I think I need to take it slow when it comes to losing weight,

I want to lose weight at a speed  that I can accept,

Of course! The advice he gave is still very valuable. After

losing weight for a period of time,

Maybe I will consider a challenge to this 15-day weight loss plan~~

Days 1-3,

Quit snacks and drinks.

Eat everything you want for breakfast, but drink a glass of

warm water with a lemon slice  slowly before breakfast.

Breakfast is eight full.

For lunch, eat half the usual staple food, eat twice the usual

amount of vegetables, and eat palm-sized meat. Eat eight full.

Only eat vegetables (three or more) for dinner, and eat eight full.

Walk more than 10,000 steps every day and stretch for more than half an hour.

(You can also do your favorite aerobics or dance, more than half an hour)

Day 4-5,

Drink a glass of water when you wake up.

For breakfast, half a bowl of red bean and barley porridge, a boiled egg, two kinds

of  vegetables and one kind of fruit, eat eight full.

For lunch, half a bowl of multi-grain staple food, a bowl of

green vegetables, and half a bowl  of meat (preferably steamed cooking method),

at 80% full.

Dinner, vegetable salad or vegetable soup, eat eight full.

Walk 10,000 steps, jog for forty-five minutes

(or dance for half an hour), and stretch for half an hour.

Days 6-9,

Same as day 5-8.

Days 10-12,

Wake up and drink a glass of water.

For breakfast, one piece of whole-wheat bread, one boiled

egg, two kinds of vegetables, and one kind of fruit are sufficient.

For lunch, a quarter bowl of multi-grain staple food, a plate of

vegetables, half a bowl of boiled lean meat

(chicken breast or lean beef), eat eight full.

Dinner, a bowl of vegetable soup, eat seven full.

Walk 10,000 steps, work for an hour, and work your muscles for forty minutes.

Days 13-15,

Same as Days 9-12.

If you stick to the plan for half a month, you can not only lose

weight, but also lose weight.


This is a suggestion given by a colleague of the company who

has a good relationship with me. He actually lost weight for a

short period of time.

I recommend it to me because the results are pretty good.

I actually like it very much. I am willing to give it a try.

I think it should be easy for me to get started, so I don't feel

any pressure. Maybe the process will be easier than I imagined.

Alright! Hope I'm not being too naive, but there's a success

story ahead of me,I think I will be more confident!

Get up at 6:00 and drink a glass of water

(salt water, lemonade).

6:20 Simply wash and run.

7:20 For breakfast, you can only eat banana + milk + eggs.

Oatmeal or gruel, no oil, less salt, less sugar.

Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth 3 minutes after the meal.

8:00 to go to work.

8:30 to the unit to drink water.

11:00 Work, get up and exercise, drink water. Eat fruit 1 hour before meals.

12:00 Lunch is seven full. Don't sit for half an hour after a meal.

1 bowl of rice (about 1-2 liters + vegetables + a little meat.

12:50 Drinking water can strengthen the body's digestive

function. Drink tea an hour after meals.

15:00 Drink water to refresh the mind.

17:00 Drink water.

18:00~19:00 Have dinner,

4 hours 5 hours before going to bed. Drink a carton of skim

milk or an egg or an apple or a cucumber.

20:00 Take a walk 1-2 hours after meals.

21:00 Drink a glass of water 1 to half an hour before going to bed.

22:00~23:00 Take a bath, put on a mask, and sleep.

Foods that are easy to eat to lose weight:

Whole wheat bread, corn, eggs, duck eggs, soy milk, milk

(to be skimmed), apples, cucumbers, bitter gourd, kelp,

Celery, black fungus, tomatoes, wax gourd, tofu, tofu skin,

leeks, seaweed head, fish, shrimp, chicken

(chicken breast meat)

Then, keep your mouth shut and exercise hard~


This weight loss plan was suggested by my mother, it seems

to be good, although she looks  like she found it on the

Internet, but. I hate skipping rope, I just don't like it,

and I can't skip rope at all, besides I live on the fifth floor of an apartment,

Are you sure the neighbors downstairs won't protest?

I don't want to be caught at the police station for skipping

rope to lose weight, Don't you want me to jump rope in the

park or any square where I can exercise, I think there 

will be a lot of handsome and slender jogging girls,I said in my heart~~

Wow! I'm a big fat man jumping rope, so I definitely won't try

to jump rope, I think I'll use other sports Instead, try hard,

who told me that this was my mother's suggestion! Although

I don't think I can hold on for long,

Mom! Do you really think this weight loss plan is really

suitable for me? Well! Who calls him my mom?~

1. Get up at 6 am and skip rope. How much you jump depends

on your physique. Start with 300 jumps and add 100 jumps

every 5 days. Kick your legs after jumping

Relax the body, focus on patting the calf, and then press the

leg and stretch the muscle. 

Otherwise, your call will get bigger.

2. Drink a glass of water after the jump, preferably honey

water, don't make it too thick. 

About 300 About 500 me is good.

3. Eat a fiber bean before breakfast at around 7:00

(to help metabolism) This is the scientific diet time.

The prepared breakfast is as follows: two slices of whole-

wheat bread and a cup of  unsweetened soy milk. If you are

not full, you can eat 2 eggs.

No more, remember losing weight. Soy milk is the key drink

for weight loss and cannot be saved, and the bread must be whole wheat.

I can't eat any other bread! What kind of constitution you are,

you can use apples instead of eggs for non-cold constitutions.

If you have a cold constitution, you cannot eat raw and cold vegetables and fruits

in the morning. It is recommended to take vitamin supplements,

4. At 11:30, eat a bowl of boiled vegetables, you can season

with salt, but not spicy.If you are hungry before eleven, you

can eat an apple or a tomato or a cucumber. Only 1 oh.

5. Do some gymnastics two hours after lunch, you can find

gymnastics movements on the Internet.

6. You can have dinner at 5:30. It is recommended to eat

boiled vegetables, and then slowly reduce the amount.

Drink 2000ml of water per day Go for a run at 7 or 8!

Just jog for at least 20 minutes. If you don't like running,

just walk fast, it takes 1 hour.

8. Go to bed after 10:30. After a long day, I will lie down and

fall asleep without insomnia. It is recommended to weigh

yourself once a month or at least 2 weeks, because weight

loss will be faster at the beginning of dieting, but there will be

a stagnation period, Just keep going, losing weight requires perseverance.



This is the advice given to me by a netizen I met on the

Internet, and I am very grateful for his advice~

I think it's a great reference, I think I'll give it a try, he's a

weight-loss fighter, He told me that losing weight is a

life-long battle, and before you can be sure that you really 

lose weight, you have to keep fighting with yourself.

The fat fights until one side falls down, is it you..or that

disgusting pile of fat on your body, Right now, I'm on the battlefield.

1. Morning exercise:

If you are used to get up early, you can exercise in the

morning. However, it should be noted that exercise when

full is not good for the stomach.

It is not advisable to exercise immediately after eating a full

breakfast; in addition, blood sugar is low when you wake up

in the morning, so you need to add some energy before exercising.

Therefore, it is better to drink a glass of honey water or eat a

piece of bread after getting up in the morning before going to exercise.

Eat breakfast 1 hours 1.5 hours after exercise. If time is tight,

you can eat a small breakfast half an hour after the end of exercise.

At the same time, the time of the morning snack can be earlier

and the quantity increases. In addition, it should be noted that,

Now that the temperature in the morning is relatively low, it is

not advisable to exercise outdoors very early; it is affected by

blood sugar and temperature in the morning.

Pay attention to warm-up to prevent sports injuries, and at the

same time, pay attention to maintaining a certain intensity and

achieving moderate-intensity exercise

(Slight breathing, but can speak relatively smoothly)

More than 30 minutes can achieve a better weight loss effect.

2. Noon exercise:

Noon is a less recommended exercise time. Because exercise

can easily affect normal Chinese meals at this time,

Chinese food is very important for weight loss. If it is difficult

to arrange exercise at other times,

The diet and exercise at the noon can be arranged in this way:

the two snacks in the morning and afternoon increase the

weight, contrast, the weight of the lunch is reduced,

Mainly on a bland diet. The time between lunch and exercise

is still as far as possible to comply with the "main meal at least

2 hours before exercise,The principle of replenishing more

energy after 1 h of exercise.

3. Evening exercise:

Night is the most flexible time period. If you can eat around

6:00 in the evening,Exercise around 8:30 pm is the best

choice. Too late can easily affect sleep. If you need to 

exercise at 7-8 pm,

Then you can transfer some of the dinner weight to the

afternoon snack (or eat dinner 2 hours before exercise),

You can also add some fruits, vegetables, soy products, gruel,

etc. 1 hour after the end of  the exercise to avoid hunger at night.

Try not to eat too much after exercising at night, which will not

only overload the stomach, but also affect weight loss.


This is my dear roommate's advice, oh my god! It's so

professional too! I think I will give it a try, my roommate also

encouraged me to go to the gym more, besides losing weight,

it helps,I also have more opportunities to ask fitness trainers

about weight loss-related questions, After all, if you want to

lose weight, it is best to be healthy and thin~

Exercise time: 60-100 minutes/day

The fitness plan should be based on: including height, weight,

BMI, body fat, body type, basal metabolism,

The design of blood pressure and circumference is the most

suitable scientific training plan and diet plan for "fat people to lose weight".

The training cycle is divided into three phases:

Phase 1 1st-7th Adaptation period

(two days off and one day off)

Focus on basic knowledge and adapt to fat loss fitness (recovery fitness)

1. Start with basic aerobic exercise, such as treadmill, aerobics, etc.

2. Step by step

3. Based on improving cardiopulmonary function and adapting to resistance training

(according to your own physical fitness) arrange appropriate

aerobic exercise + simple equipment movements, and then

do stretching (easy recovery),Prepare for the next step

Note: It is guaranteed that the overall physical fitness,

including cardiopulmonary function, resistance training, and

fitness knowledge, will be significantly improved within 1 week.

During the adaptation period, special attention should be paid

to diet (such as the distribution ratio of the three major

nutrients and dietary nutrition arrangements)

Pay attention:

Mistake: It is not advisable to eat only fruits and vegetables if

you do not eat staple food to lose weight;

This is because the body needs to combine carbohydrates

and proteins when breaking down fat.

It is not feasible to not drink water when losing weight,

because the human body relies on water to improve motor function.

Otherwise, the motor function will decline, and the body will

increase the physical resistance, 

which will increase the blood coagulation degree and cause

injury, body temperature, height, etc.

Correct: The pursuit of nutrition for weight loss should be

adequately enriched, and excess nutrition should not be

avoided to avoid weight gain and fat accumulation.

Eat small meals frequently, supplement them with high-quality

protein and vitamins, and ensure the nutrients needed by the human body.

Phase 2: 8th-30th fat loss period

(three days off and one day off)

Develop an intensive training plan based on the first-stage

training plan Purpose:

1. Improve cardiopulmonary function, flexibility, and coordination.

2, strength training, improving metabolism, while reducing fat.

3. Reduce fat content, improve muscle ratio and lines, and

improve psychological and physiological functions.

Exercise fat loss plan:

After the cardiopulmonary function is enhanced, increase the

time and intensity of aerobic exercise, and do another

scientific training plan (depending on the situation)

Proper aerobic exercise + equipment training + Pilates training

Stage 3: 31st-40th body sculpting period

(three days off and one day off)

Bodybuilding program:

Proper aerobic exercise + equipment training + yoga training + Pilates

Training suggestion: Step by step is the king, don't rush for

success, because everyone's training plan is different, it is inconvenient to list here.

Diet tips: You must eat three meals a day, and the ratio of the three meals is 3:4:3. 

Appropriate extra meals

Eight glasses of water a day (250ml/cup)

2 cups in the morning and 2 in the evening

As a fat loser, you must cooperate with a personal trainer and

a nutritionist to control your calorie intake and keep exercising.

If you feel undernourished, Vitamins should be added to

breakfast, and high-quality protein should be added before and after exercise.

(Because this is responsible for your body's healthy weight loss, of course,

unhealthy weight loss is also effective,But do not guarantee the health of the body

at your own risk). 

Note: Don't eat 2 hours before bedtime, preferably dinner

before 7 o'clock…


① The amount of protein must be increased, medium

carbohydrates should be added, more water should be added,

and foods with high fat should not be eaten.

② Reduce the intake of oil and salt in the diet, and try to eat

less sweets and high-calorie foods;

③ Mainly eat less and more meals, eat more vegetables and fruits

④ Avoid smoking and drinking, take a good rest and avoid staying up late.


This is the result of discussions between me and my colleague

who is very close to me, and this is what I think is the most

likely The weight loss plan was successfully implemented~~

1. Do more than 30 minutes of aerobic exercise every day.

My sport of choice is:

1. Swimming, 6:30-7:10 every morning, medley for 30 minutes,

about 1000 meters.

2 .30 minutes by bicycle, I use the bicycle as a commuter tool,

and the time to commute and go to the swimming pool is about 30 minutes.

3. Climb the office building, 10th floor, once in the morning and

in the afternoon, about 8 minutes each time.

4. Badminton 1-2 times on weekends, 1-2 hours each time,

(or going to the gym for 1-2 hours).

5. If you are not in a hurry, try to walk as much as possible.

2. Reduce food intake. Eat in the morning, noon and evening,

but eat less fats and starches, eat more vegetables and fruits,

Eat less snacks such as sugar and biscuits, and prohibit late-night snacks.

3. Keep a daily health and exercise diary.

It can record the type and time of exercise, and it can

immediately calculate the number of  kilocalories consumed

by exercise and the number of grams of fat consumed,

It is beneficial to know your results immediately.

My above-mentioned exercise consumes 

about 510 kcal per day and it consumes about 55 grams of fat.

In theory, continuous moderate-intensity exercise for more

than 30 minutes, more than three times a week, can be exercised to lose weight.

Local exercises such as sit-ups and push-ups are not very

effective; you can adjust them  according to your actual

situation and hobbies. Reach the above value. 

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