Fat girl's welfare, grasp the important moments of each month, make it easier for you to lose weight~

Normally, menstrual periods will weigh 1-4 fatties. Because of the swelling of the 

bleeding, the body weight will increase.  

The discharged blood wastes blood in the body. Therefore, most girls live longer 

than men. During this period, you lose weight. One is because menstrual 

discharge in the body is very good, and the other is because you may have 

a  higher metabolism recently. 

Supplement! Just a few days ago, I just finished my menstruation. 

Two days before menstruation, I couldn't help but eat. I  kept eating, and I 

was  never hungry. 

Then I weighed it. The first day was 3.4 heavier than before menstruation. 

Jin, I was scared. The next day was 2.2 Jin was heavier than the first day. 

The total tm was 5.6 Jin (it should be correct). In the next few days, I controlled it.

 I didn't eat many snacks,  but it was still eaten. 

However, my weight has not changed. I thought I had failed to lose weight and I 

was going to get fat again (crying). After menstruation, I wanted to lose weight, 

control my appetite, and continue to eat supplementary products. But! ! Here 

comes the point! ! ! After menstruation, I lightened back to my pre-menstrual 

weight. At this point, I understand that eating during menstruation may not be so 

easy to gain weight. 

Being thin is indeed real thinness, but for me, I can only eat for the first two days. 

I still have to leave  some time for the body to recover later, so menstruation, 

you will definitely get fat during the menstrual period. If you lose weight during 

menstruation, you may indeed lose weight. 

However, it is not recommended to lose weight during menstruation. 

Menstruation is the  day when girls detoxify. If you lose weight, your body will think 

that these toxins that should be excreted are still useful for your body. Stay in the 

body, this is why some people will regain weight after eating and resting normally.

Many people say that within a week after menstruation is the golden time to lose 

weight, because the hormones in the body will change during this period, and the 

metabolism will be faster than usual. 

Being able to seize this time to lose weight can get twice the Result with half the 

effort. It happened that my period came during this period. In order to verify the 

accuracy of the above statement, I started my weight loss on the first day after 

menstruation. I adopted a  relatively healthy weight loss method through 

reasonable diet control + moderate exercise. 

To achieve the purpose of slimming.

1. Diet

Breakfast: Every breakfast I want to eat well, and I have to take 

vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates. I like to eat steamed buns, and I will not 

refuse the intake of fine carbohydrates such as steamed buns just because I want 

to lose weight. A good amount will do.

Lunch: lunch mainly eats meat and vegetables, fish, shrimp, lean 

meat, eggs, all kinds of  fried vegetables, etc. High starch vegetables such as fatty 

meat and potatoes are not eaten. If the vegetables are greasy, I will add a bowl of 

soup to rinse them. basically don't eat rice for lunch. If I really want to eat it, I only 

eat a small bowl.

Dinner: Dinner is based on whole grains, mainly sweet potatoes, 

purple sweet potatoes, yam, and a cup of kudzu root powder and collagen powder. 

Although sweet potatoes are coarse grains, they cannot be eaten unscrupulously. 

After all, their calories are not much lower than rice, and many people have been 

saved in the hungry years, so they should be used in moderation and kept within 


2. Sports

exercised for a total of 5 days in these 7 days. This exercise is mainly running, 

running for 30 minutes to an hour each time. 

After running, I will do 150 hip bridges (be sure to stretch after the exercise). 

Before, I would drink a cup of black coffee to help burn fat.result  A total of 0.75kg 

was lost in these 7 days! This speed is indeed faster than I usually lose. 

My basal metabolism is relatively low and it is difficult to lose weight. If I usually 

take the same diet and exercise, it would be good to lose 1 catty a week, 

sometimes even one catty. You can't afford it.

Moreover, in these seven days, in addition to three meals a day, I also ate potato 

chips, ice cream, etc., and also had a barbecue. Two of the main meals were 

pasta, so I did not control my diet very strictly. In this case, I can still drop 0.75kg 

and I am very satisfied.

Therefore, within a week after menstruation is indeed the golden weight loss 

period, seize the precious 7 days to control your diet + moderate exercise, and

 you will surely get a good weight loss effect!

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