What exercise method is the fastest to lose weight?

This action of lying on your back and raising your legs can

effectively help people during fat loss to lift their hips and thin

their thighs, and the movement is very difficult and can be

done at home. First, lie on the yoga mat, step on the pedals of

the tensioner with both feet, and perform rhythmic leg

training. Pay attention to straightening the legs and not

bending when doing this action. It is recommended that 3-4

groups per day, 20-30 times per day, the small partners in the

early stage of fat loss can customize the amount of exercise

according to their own physical fitness. Although core training

is a bit difficult for fitness beginners and those who are in the

early stage of weight loss, you can also practice this action step

by step according to your own physical fitness and physical

condition. This action can mobilize the muscle groups of the

whole body, which is very helpful for shaping the overall line.

When doing this action, you can feel the core force of the

abdomen and the changes in the muscle groups of the legs. It

is recommended to do this exercise three times a day, 20-30

times each. Any exercise needs to be done step by step, and

there is no need for quick success. As long as you can stick to

this Pilates action, you will be able to get unexpected surprises.

The arm lifting exercise keeps the body upright, and only uses

the strength of the arm to lift the tensioner. Pay attention to

inhale when you lift up and exhale when you lower it.

It is recommended to do 3 groups 35 times a day.

The supine lifting

exercise keeps the legs still, rolls up the upper body with the

strength of the waist and abdomen, holds the tensioner with

the hands when the lower part is lower, and then uses the

strength of the waist and abdomen to go down. Due to the

resistance of the tensioner, it can reduce the waist and

abdomen in both directions, and the effect is better. This

exercise recommends 3 sets of 35 repetitions per day. The leg

lifting exercise keeps the upper body still, and uses the

strength of the legs to pull the tensioner to achieve the effect of

burning leg fat through the resistance of the tensioner. This

action is recommended 3 35 times a day.

Whether it is work or home, we have to take the stairs. This is

also a good time to exercise and lose weight. Give up taking the

elevator, choose to climb the stairs, persist for a period of time,

and the weight loss effect is also amazing.

Rope skipping is an exercise that can consume a lot of calories

in a short period of time. The length of time can be 30-40

minutes of slow jumping, which has a magical effect on

reducing abdominal fat.

If swimming is in summer, swimming is a favorite sport of

many people. In the water, various joints of the human body

are open, and muscles exercise in the water, which will have a

better weight loss effect. The swimming time can be judged

according to your own situation.

Jogging, logging is the least technical form of exercise, but it is

precisely such an "inconspicuous" exercise. As long as you

stick to it for a long time, you will be able to have a significant

fat-burning effect. However, it should be noted that if you want

to gain significant weight loss through jogging, you must pay

attention to long-term persistence.

Slimming and stretching: Lie flat on the mat and relax your

body; put your hands on your sides naturally and adjust your

breathing. Sit on the mat with your back straight and lean

forward; your knees are bent and the soles of your feet are

facing each other; your stomach is tightened, your hands are

holding your feet, and your hands are released in front of you,

with your straight arms supporting the ground. Sitting on the

mat, straighten your left leg back and toes straight; bend your

right knee and press your leg forward, straighten your body

forward and tighten your abdomen, put your hands in front of

your body, and support your straight arms on the ground. Put

your hands on the ground with your arms straight, your feet on

the ground, and your body is in an inverted V shape; your back

is straight and your abdomen is tightened; your legs are bent

and your upper body is pressed down at the same time; then

your legs are straight and your arms are in a straight line with

your upper body. Put your hands on the ground with your

arms straight; put your feet on the ground, your body is in an

inverted V shape; your back is straight and your abdomen is

tightened; your right leg is raised high and in line with your

body; straight line.

Put your hands on the ground with your

arms straight, kneel on the mat with your knees on the ground,

and with your toes on the ground; straighten your back and

tighten your abdomen; slowly lie down on the ground with

your upper body close to the mat and your legs; bend your

elbows on the ground, head The department slowly lifted up.

Bend your knees, place your thighs and calves at a 90° angle,

and put your hands back on the ground, with your body facing

upwards; tighten your abdomen, keep your body straight, and

keep your body in an arched bridge shape; lower your head

and keep your body still. Sit upright on the mat with your

hands behind your hips; your back is straight and your legs are

bent and your knees are on top of each other; your body leans

forward with your arms straight in front of your body. The

upper body is close to the yoga mat, and the hands are placed

on the sides of the body; the legs are bent and the knees are

raised, and the calves are crossed; the hands are placed on the

