Homemade low-calorie salad dressing ~ no oil, no eggs, no burden at all!


Homemade low-calorie salad dressing ~No more and more in

our daily diet, but a small spoonful of salad dressings has more

than 100 calories, which is all the calories of two types of rice,

and the fat content is far more than that of rice, and this

spoonful of salad dressing may not satisfy your appetite at all.

Unknowingly, I have taken in too many calories, and the

vegetable salad that I thought I would lose weight has

completely become a self-deceiving-self-consolation! Although

this won't be as delicious as a salad made of eggs and vegetable

oil, but in order to keep fit, I think everything is worth it!

Required materials~

A box of lactone tofu

Appropriate amount of yellow mustard (one spoon)

Lemon juice (vinegar can be substituted)

Salt to taste (you can add more)

White sugar (xylitol) amount

Black pepper pinch

A juicer


1. Throw the raw ingredients into the juicer and beat for a

while until they become thick~ The black pepper is missed,

and the lemon is added with lemon juice! Not a whole lemon.

2. Cut the four corners of lactone tofu and remove it out


3. Throw it in! Squeeze more will!

4. Pour it out! The color is still beautiful, like mayonnaise!

Cooking Tips:

1. If you are looking for the deliciousness of pure salad

dressing, I don't think this is suitable, to don't try it lightly!

2. Don't put in more than one spoonful of yellow mustard, it

will be very astringent!

3. Black pepper can be added according to personal taste

4. The xylitol granulated sugar I chose should have a more

divided taste

5. Oil-free and egg-free salads I used to make potato salad

sauce, so I added some black pepper

6. Because tofu is tasteless, it is recommended to add more


7. I wish you have success in losing weight as soon as possible.

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Most of my life, I've been overweight. It runs in my family I guess because both my parents are on the "heavy" side. ... No matter what I do, how well I eat, how much I workout ... the fat takes a lot longer to come off, with much more effort then someone else. My younger brother turned me on to your Lean Optimizer about 5 months ago because he wrestles in college and uses it. I've been using your product 3 months on/1 month off this entire time and I've lost and kept off 23 lbs so far! I'm very excited and will keep you posted on my results the rest of the year.

Beth Thomas

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