How to solve this endless cycle of losing weight successfully to regaining weight? Maybe it's time for you to listen to a psychiatrist!

Many people who lose weight always have such a problem: 

after sticking to the taboo/exercise for a period of time, it does 

have an effect, but if they relax, they will gain weight again! 

Reduce again, relax again, gain weight again.. and so on and 

so forth. Why? With this eternal question, let's find a 

psychiatrist to see how to solve the endless cycle of weight 

loss failure?

Does the motivation to lose weight really matter?

"Love yourself, have motivation"

In the United States, there was a swimming reality show that 

invited some overweight people to participate in the 

competition. It was stipulated that they must lose weight 

quickly in a short period of time, and the best results were 

awarded with huge bonuses.

Usually, the contestants who can persevere to the end are 

often completely different from when they first participated in 

the competition, and they also put on a sincere and beautiful 

smile when receiving the award.

But some reporters followed the contestants and found that 

after the game, these champions gradually gained weight 

again, without exception!

It turns out that the "psychological motivation" for weight loss 

is divided into external and internal. High bonuses, like 

motives such as peer pressure, are simply motivated by 

external stimuli.

If you didn't really ask yourself before taking action:

Why am I getting fat?

What's wrong with my life situation?

Why should I diet and exercise?

That's almost a certainty that you'll still fail in the end.

Good motivation is the foundation of weight loss. Losing 

weight is not about showing off, pleasing others, or eating and 

drinking more freely, but about establishing a healthy and self-

disciplined life order, out of love for yourself and the 

establishment of higher self-worth.

Does Emotion Affect Weight Loss?

"You're not just swallowing food, you're swallowing emotions 


The correct "weight loss method" must be accompanied by 

dietary adjustments and reasonable exercise. But diet and 

exercise themselves are related to emotions such as stress 

and depression, especially the former.

Pathological reasons aside, overeating is the enemy of weight 


Psychologically, "eating" is a symbolic act that brings 

satisfaction. But overeating is often associated with stress:

When eating, blood sugar rises and the brain secretes 

dopamine, which makes us feel happy and energetic, and the 

process of eating food one by one seems to be a process of 

swallowing and dissolving annoying emotions.

Sugar ~Is try to focus on other things and think about your 

long-term goals. In this way, impulses can be restrained by 

delaying gratification.

The so-called delayed gratification is the choice orientation of 

being willing to give up immediate gratification for more 

valuable long-term goals. At this time, "healthy and self-

disciplined life order" is the long-term goal, and "eating" is 

instant gratification.

It is worth mentioning that the road to achieving long-term 

goals is not all about restraint and waiting. Reasonable 

exercise is also extremely important.

Instead of setting a goal like "lose 10 pounds this week, " tell 

yourself: Do 5 cardio workouts this week.

Restraining the urge to mouth always goes hand in hand with 

opening your legs.

Who holds the legs to the gym after getting off work?

"Don't be lazy, reflect on your time management skills! 』

Many people plan to exercise after they get off work, but often 

give up. In such a situation, ask yourself:

If you are so tired after getting off work every day, is the 

fitness plan you made before a little unrealistic? You are 

already very tired after getting off work, and you have to go to 

the gym. Do you want to relax through exercise, or is it 

because of guilt after sitting for a long time that you have to 

go to the gym? Is this healthy?

If the plan is not wrong, then the problem may be time 

management. Work overtime when it's time to exercise, 

exercise when it's time to sleep. If things go on like this, of 

course, it's impossible to turn fitness into a habit.

Another possibility is that you find exercise too cumbersome 

to enjoy. The distance to the gym is too long, changing 

clothes is so annoying, and the repetitive movements are so 

boring. In fact, many times, we put too much difficulty and 

discomfort on things. Maybe, it is just a little bit.

If you don't like to exercise alone, social sports such as 

dancing may be more suitable for you. The form of exercise is 

not important, as long as you keep yourself in an active state.

I heard that there are commonalities among obese people?

"Well, obesity is also a personality"

Some personality factors can also lead to obesity, which is the 

so-called obese personality.

A follow-up study showed that people with high impulsivity, l

ow conscientiousness, and high levels of neuroticism were 

more likely to suffer from weight problems than those who did 

not possess these traits.

More specifically, according to research, people with the 

following traits or habits are more likely to gain weight:

(1) Owl personality: Going to bed late will reduce the "leptin" 

in the human body, thereby increasing appetite, especially 

preferring foods high in calories and carbohydrates.

(2) Perfectionists: Those who often have unrealistic 

expectations about their weight are mostly perfectionists. 

Moreover, eating disorders have something to do with it.

(3) Competitive winners: According to the survey, people who 

like to compete with others are prone to secrete a lot of 

"cortisol". During times of stress, the body needs cortisol to 

maintain normal physiology. Therefore, people who are under 

stress for a long time are prone to having high cortisol in the 

body for a long time, and the negative effects are increased 

blood sugar, increased appetite, weight gain, and loss of 


(4) People who eat while working: People who eat while 

working are not easily aware of the amount of food they eat, 

so they enter a state of "unconscious eating".

Emotional conditioning recipes that are readily available?

"Please continue to pay attention to yourself! 

Losing weight is actually a psychological problem of "how to 

make yourself better". Facing it, although there is no one-size-

fits-all rule, it can be solved by paying attention to yourself 

and having a dialogue with yourself.

Because this is a cycle, it is usually logic for psychologists to 

carry out consultation.

What you need to do is:

First, pay attention to yourself and feel your feelings;

Then, treat unhealthy habits as symbols,

Try to find the reason behind it,

Allow yourself to achieve true internal and external alignment.

The so-called internal and external consistency, that is: I want 

to make myself better, and I am willing to work hard for it.

When you can become a subject with subjective initiative, you 

can adjust the balance in your heart (distinguish which side is 

right and which side is wrong), and let the balance be stable, 

and this problem will be solved. Then, you can move on to the 

next question.

(So ​​back and forth~)

Therefore, only by maintaining such awareness and 

introspection can you truly be disciplined and disciplined. And 

most obese people are just "ignoring" themselves, and they 

have a sense of panic when they "look in the mirror and find 

that they are so fat".

In summary, do the following to unravel your weight loss cycle:

(1) Look inward to find the motivation to lose weight

(2) Reasonable arrangement of exercise time

(3) Everything learns to delay gratification

(4) Maintain awareness and introspection of the body

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