Healthy and low-fat~ Delicious Steamed Chicken Breast with Garlic Enoki Mushroom


Minced garlic and enoki mushrooms are perfect matches. 

Steaming enoki mushrooms with minced garlic is simple and 

easy to make. It is steamed with marinated, delicious chicken 

breasts. It has meat and vegetables, healthy and low-fat, 

fresh and juicy. Babies, it's really delicious.

Materials needed~

1 handful of enoki mushrooms

1 piece chicken breast

3 cloves garlic

1 shallow

2 spicy millet

1 tablespoon starch

1 scoop of soy sauce

1 tablespoon oyster sauce

1 tsp pepper

1 spoon of cooking wine


1. Prepare all the ingredients.

2. Clean the chicken breasts, use a sharp knife to cut the 

chicken breasts horizontally into two pieces.

3. Change the knife and cut it into small pieces of even size, 

you don't need to cut too small.

4. Put the sliced ​​chicken breasts into a bowl, 1 tablespoon of 

soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1/2 tablespoon of 

oyster sauce, 1 teaspoon of white pepper, and stir well.

5. Add 1 tablespoon of starch, stir again, and marinate for 

more than 1 hour. The longer the marinade is, the more 

flavorful the chicken breasts are. Adding starch can make the 

chicken breasts more tender.

6. Clean the enoki mushrooms, cut off the roots, tear them 

apart, and spread them flat on a plate for later use.

7. Peel the garlic, cut it into minced garlic, take the green part 

of the shallot, cut it into chopped green onion, and cut the 

spicy millet into rings.

8. Heat the pot, add a tablespoon of cooking oil, after the oil is 

hot, and since the garlic and red pepper rings into the pot, stir 

fry on low heat until fragrant.

9. Add half a tablespoon of oyster sauce, a tablespoon of soy 

sauce, a teaspoon of white sugar and an appropriate amount 

of water, and oil to make the garlic sauce.

10. Spread the marinated chicken breast pieces on top of the 

enoki mushrooms.

11. Pour the cooked garlic sauce over the chicken breasts. 

The sauce could be a little more.

12. Put an appropriate amount of water at the bottom of the 

steamer, boil it over high heat, and then put the chicken 

breasts into the steamer.

13. Steam over medium-low heat for 20 minutes until cooked, 

then sprinkle with chopped green onion and serve.

Cooking Tips:

1. Spread the enoki mushrooms and chicken breast as flat as 

possible, so that the maturity will be the same.

2. The garlic sauce should be prepared according to your 

family's taste. If you don't like spicy food, you can omit the 

spicy millet.
