Delicious and convenient weight loss meal~ Chicken breast dishes with various flavors

Chili Chicken Breast


Piece of chicken breast

8 peppers

A spoon of oyster sauce

1 g salt

A spoonful soy sauce

Old boy half spoon

A spoon of cooking wine

A spoonful of delicious

1 spoon of bean paste

Section of green onion

2 slices ginger

3 cloves garlic


Chicken breast chili cleaned

Diced chicken breast

Marinate for one hour, one spoon of oyster sauce, one spoon of soy sauce, one

spoon of cooking wine, half a spoon of old soy sauce, one spoon of salt, stir and


Green pepper cut into small pieces for onion, ginger garlic

Heat oil in pan, onion, ginger, and garlic

Pour in the chicken and fry for a while

When the chicken is cooked through, add a spoonful of bean paste, add the

peppers and stir-fry

Began to eat

Awesome Shredded Chicken Breast with Low Fat Quick



1 piece chicken breast

1 coriander

1 union

1 spoon of oil

2 scoops of soy sauce

1 pinch sugar

1 tablespoon sesame oil

Cooked white sesame seeds

1 spicy millet

3 cloves garlic

Some ginger


Wash away the seasonings, 2 slices of ginger, put the pot in cold water and

open the fire.

During the period, the shallots, ginger, garlic, and millet are spicy and minced.

Chop onion leaves and coriander.

Onion, ginger, garlic, and spicy millet, and soy sauce, oil consumption, sugar,

and sesame oil, stir well, and base at 230°C for 8 minutes.

When no new foam is formed on the water surface, turn off the fire, remove it

and let it cool.

Tear into thin strips according to texture.

Add the reasoning from the oven.

Add cilantro and spring onion and mix well.

Sprinkle with cooked sesame seeds.

Cumin Chicken Breast


1 piece chicken breast

Onion ginger garlic moderate amount

Cumin powder

Amount of cumin grains

1 tsp chili powder

5 grams of white sesame


Remove the fascia from the chicken breast and cut it into small pieces. Add an

appropriate amount of black pepper, a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, 1

tablespoon of oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 teaspoon of starch,

and an appropriate amount of onion, ginger, and garlic slices, mix well and

marinate for 10 minutes.

Pour a little oil into a pan, put the chicken breasts, fry until golden on both sides,

and 1 tablespoon of chili powder, 1 tablespoon of cumin powder, cumin grains

and 1 tablespoon of white sesame seeds, stir fry evenly!

Isn't it super simple, yet delicious!

Not at all, very tender!

Chicken Breast Salad


1 skinless chicken breast

1 egg

7 opera

Green beans half dish

1 handful of snow peas

3 grams of salt

1 spoon of cooking wine

1 top black pepper

Caesar salad dressing


Prepare the salad dressing.

Remove the superficial fascia of the chicken breast, plan the thickest part, pat

lightly on both sides with the back of a knife, and marinate with cooking wine,

salt and black pepper. Wash the okra; tear off the tendons on both sides of the

snow peas; wash the green beans and prepare the Guan li salad dressing.

Boil an egg.

Boil the water in the pot, put a little salt, put in the green beans and snow peas,

blanch and remove and soak in cold water.

Boil the water in the pot, add a little salt, blanch the okra, remove and soak in

cold water.

Put a little oil in a non-stick pan, add the marinated chicken breasts, fry until

golden brown on both sides, remove and cut into pieces.

Pour Guanli Salad Dressing into a small dish.

Dice the okra, dice the chicken breast, halve the egg, and arrange the snow

peas and green beans together.

Very refreshing.

Come, let's eat!

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