Delicious diet meal ~ creative chicken breast dishes


Lemon Scented Chicken Chop


Skinless chicken breast / chicken broth / salt

Pepper / olive oil / butter / garlic

White wine / fresh lemon juice / all-purpose flour


1. Beat the chicken breast, marinated with salt and pepper, coat with flour, fry on

both sides until golden brown; and cream, garlic, lemon juice, wine and bring to a

boil, and chicken, summer until the sauce thickens, sprinkle with parsley Loading

Shredded Chicken Salad


Chicken breast, salt, soy sauce, ginger, garlic

Pepper, sesame oil, chili oil, pepper oil

Sugar, chives


1. Wash the chicken breast and cut it into slices that are slightly thick slices; boil

water in a pot, put onion knots, peppercorns, and ginger and built for one minute;

2. Put in the chicken, boil it on medium and low heat for about 5 minutes, remove it,

and after the chicken cools down a little, tear it into shreds by hand;

3. Add minced garlic, chili oil and sugar, and pepper oil and sesame oil;

4. Add in the soy sauce and the appropriate amount of salt, mix evenly to taste, and

serve on a plate.

Grilled Chicken Cutlets with Hummus


Skinless chicken breast / salt / olive oil

Pumpkin / Onion / Hummus

/ Paprika / Zucchini / Pepper


Pat the chicken breasts and marinated with salt and pepper; in another large bowl,

and the zucchini, squash, onion, and olive oil; spread the vegetables and chicken

evenly on the baking sheet to sear

Broccoli Chicken Breast Puree


Skinless chicken breast / chicken broth / salt / pepper / bacon

Milk / Flour / Water / Gruyere Cheese / Broccoli


Add chicken stock and 1/2 cup of milk to a small pot and bring to a boil on low heat

to make a smooth creamy sauce; and water and chopped bacon into a large bowl

and stir, slice the chicken breasts, place on a baking sheet and sprinkle with

seasoning ingredients, base for 30 minutes; broccoli is boiled, and the chicken is

finally slow-cooked until the sauce.

molasses-dipped chicken and mango salsa


Skinless chicken breast / honey / milk / flour / bread crumbs

Coriander / Thyme / Salt / Black Pepper / Canola Oil

Mango / small tomato / yellow onion / bell pepper / lemon juice


Pat the chicken breasts, salt and pepper to marinate; combine the honey and milk,

bring to a low boil, then serve as a sauce and drizzle mango salsa over the grilled


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