Low-fat and delicious weight loss food ~ fried chicken chop

 fried chicken chop 


1. First cut the chicken breast into a large piece, put the chicken breast on the

chopping board, but the knife at a position one third of the thickness from the top

surface, and cut it parallel to the table top from right to left, do not cut it when it

reaches the edge, then Let'stake a look at t

his small piece that has been opened.

If the joints are too thick, thin them slightly.

2. After slicing, turn the chicken breast over, and in the same way, but the knife

from right to left at one-third of the thickness. Do not cut it when the slice reaches

the edge, and unfold the two pieces at the same time. , it becomes a large, thin

slice of meat.

3. Knock the chicken breast with the back of the knife, so that the fried chicken

will be more tender.

4. Cut some minced garlic, ginger slices, and scallions.

5. Find a bowl with a flat bottom and a little depth, spread the chicken breast in

the bowl, and 2 spoons of cooking wine, 2 spoons of light soy sauce, an

appropriate amount of oyster sauce, 1 spoon of sugar, an appropriate amount of

five-spice powder, an appropriate amount of pepper powder, and an appropriate

amount of cumin powder. Then add the egg white of an egg, 1 tablespoon of

starch, sliced ​​ green onion, sliced ​​ginger and minced garlic.

6. Start to grasp the seasoning well. After mixing the seasoning, rub the chicken

breasts vigorously, so that the chicken breasts can fully absorb the flavor of all the

seasonings. After mixing well, cover with plastic wrap, put it in the refrigerator

overnight, let the chicken breast slowly absorb the flavor of the seasoning, so that

the fried chicken chop is not only delicious, but also juicy and tender.

7. After refrigerating overnight, open the plastic wrap. Prepare a flat plate and put

sweet potato flour on the plate, preferably coarse-grained sweet potato flour, and

the outer skin will be more crispy when fried.

8. Take the chicken breasts out of the bowl and shake off the minced garlic and

scallions on the surface. Put the chicken breasts directly into the dry sweet potato

flour, press hard to coat the chicken breasts evenly with the sweet potato flour,

turn over repeatedly, do not drop all the gaps, and push your fingers forward while

wrapping the flour, so that the sweet potatoes on the surface of the chicken breasts

have as much power as possible.

9. After wrapping the flour, lift the chicken chop, gently shake off the dry flour on it,

put it aside for a few minutes, so that the dry flour absorbs water and will stick

more firmly, ensuring that the flour will not fall off when flying in the oil pan.

10. Find a larger pot with a diameter larger than the size of the chicken coop. Pour

some more oil into the pot, heat the oil to six colors, lift the chicken coop into the

oil pan, do not turn it first, and let the chicken coop fry and shape.

11. After frying and setting, use a clip to remove the chicken chop, control the oil,

and put it on a plate for later use. The oil in the pot is heated up. When the oil is

80% warm, put the chicken outlet into the oil and try again. This step is to make

the surface of the chicken cutlet is crispy.

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Dear Sam. I'm very new to the world of health and fitness. My family has always told me that "supplements" are not healthy or natural and that they are bad for me and so forth. Unfortunately, my father died about 7 months ago due to a heart attack (his 3rd one) and my mother is ill with adult onset diabetes. So, with that said ... I've realized that being "natural" isn't necessarily healthy either as both my parents have been unhealthy for many years.

About 5 months ago I decided I needed to make a change in my life or else, I would also follow in their foot steps and have many health complications as I get older and there would be a burden on my children. So, I decided I would join a gym and get a personal trainer and begin eating better and adding in my supplements to aid in my new life-style. I lost 17 lbs the first 2 months and I was very excited!

But, things slowed down and I began to gain weight again because I had cravings. My personal trainer suggested I take your Lean Optimizer product since he also thought my metabolism had begun to slow down with the dieting. Almost 10 weeks ago I started taking your Lean Optimizer product and since then, I've lost an additional 11 lbs. BUT, my trainer says I've lost more fat because my muscle weight has gone up. I've also lost an additional 2 dress sizes and luckily, my breasts haven't shrunk as much as when I lost the first 17 lbs without the aid of your product.

I am so happy with the results. Your Lean Optimizer is a very healthy and safe product that delivers results better then my expectations. Thank you so much. You have a life-long customer AND friend. Bless you!

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