Low-fat and delicious weight loss dishes~guinea chicken meatballs

 Guinea Chicken Meatballs


1. Soak the glutinous rice for at least 1 hour in advance, until the volume becomes

larger and the color turns white.

2. Cut the chicken breast into small pieces, put it in the meat grinder and mix it into

the meat filling. The authentic pearl balls use fat and thin pork filling. Due to the

recent price increase of the second brother, he reduced his budget and chose low-

fat and high-fat meat. Egg white chicken breasts are just soft and juicy, which is

more suitable for the elderly and children.

3. The meat filling is ready, then prepare some side dishes, cut some diced

mushrooms, diced carrots, and chop the carrots as much as possible, put them in

the chicken stuffing for later use, then cut some chopped green onions and put

them in, and finally add an appropriate amount of corn kernels.

4. Add cooking wine, soy sauce, salt and sugar to the chicken stuffing, sprinkle with

some five-spice powder, and finally put in a spoonful of starch, and mix all the

ingredients well. If it is pork stuffing, you can add more starch to make the meat

stuffing smooth and tender, just stir the meat stuffing in one direction.

5. Wearing gloves, take an appropriate amount of meat filling, form them into

chicken balls, and then put the balls into the pre-soaked glutinous rice. Roll gently

so that the balls are evenly coated with glutinous rice.

6. Put the meatballs with glutinous rice into the steamer, leave a space between the

meatballs to prevent sticking after steaming, cover the lid and steam for 20 minutes.

7. After steaming, open it and take a look. The steamed glutinous rice is all standing

upright, white and bright like pearls. As long as the glutinous rice grains are soft and

glutinous, the meatballs will be fully cooked.

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