Why do thin women feel that they are too fat?

It's May and June now, and the summer weather has become 

dry and sultry. On the way to school,

Seeing all the beautiful sisters wearing short skirts and shorts, 

I couldn't help but bring up the topic of dormitory people.

A: "Alas, the older sister's legs are super thin! And they are 

very straight!"

B: "Well, you have a great figure! The waist is very thin!"

C: "Unlike me, the legs are still so thick"

B: "Your legs are still thick? Just kidding! It's obviously very 

thin, okay?"

C: "No wow, I have thick calves, so I never wear shorts, 

usually shorts, showing my thighs,

Or just wear a long skirt to cover it up. "

Both A and B expressed their shame, and finally drew an 

imperfect end to this conversation with chubby classmate B's 

unrequited love.

We are used to such conversations around us, especially among girls.

In academia, this phenomenon is named Fat Talk, referring to 

the fact that women are often dissatisfied with their bodies,

And discuss this dissatisfaction among friends.


When we're talking about obesity

What are we talking about?

I still remember Victoria's Secret that became popular some 

time ago. The figures of the models are so good that we can 

only sign in front of them: the same girls, why is there such a 

big difference?

A piece of news I saw some time ago reported that a woman 

tried all kinds of plastic surgery, dieting, and exercise in order 

to become the Barbie doll of her dreams, and finally became a 

Barbie doll in life.

Regarding "fat talk", there are many examples in real life, 

which generally involve the following five themes. We will find 

that some people around us, even ourselves, often show these 


(1) Compare yourself to your ideal body type and exercise 


(2) Fear and fear of getting fat

(3) Compare your eating and exercise habits with others

For example, we often choose to reduce our food intake or not 

eat because we see others dieting to lose weight, thinking that 

people who are thinner than ourselves are starting to lose 

weight, and if we don't lose weight, we may die of fat.

(4) Evaluate the appearance of others

(5) Adopting methods and strategies of dieting and high-

intensity exercise

We will find that some people around us, even ourselves, often 

exhibit these behaviors.

We often take those super-fit celebrities as our targets of 

effort, compare them with classmates and colleagues who are 

in good shape around us, repeatedly evaluate another person's 

figure, or threaten losing weight from time to time.


Why is the skinny girl?

I feel like I'm too fat

Some time ago, a certain actress lost dozens of pounds in 

anger after pregnancy for the sake of her public image, 

creating a legend in the weight loss industry, and then became 

a hot topic due to her success in losing weight, and her public 

image also turned the tide.

The image of "thin" actresses is also increasingly promoted in 

the public media.

People gradually tend to equate "thinness" with good qualities 

such as self-discipline, reasonable diet, and persistent exercise.

Like the goddess baby recognized by boys, she has a good 

figure and a high face value. Therefore, more and more people 

integrate a similar ideal body into their self-cognition and use 

it as a standard for evaluating themselves.

Therefore, "skinny" is still the esteem of this era.

"Talking about obesity" is more common among girls and 

shows a trend at a younger age. Why are people so obsessed 

with talking about being too fat?

Reason one:

The self-deprecating paradigm of social proof

"My legs are so thick, I envy your long legs."

Many women see talking about obesity as a coercive norm, a 

self-deprecating model that is sanctioned by social groups.

In fact, repeatedly saying that you are at does not attract social 

disgust, but is regarded as a normal phenomenon.

Have you ever found that there are always some girls around 

who complain that their legs are too thick or their small belly 

is too obvious, but every time they say it, they can get a 

comforting response from others.

If things go on like this, she will affirm in her heart the 

practice of talking about obesity, thinking that at least it will 

not attract the disgust of others.

Reason two:

Talking about obesity reduces guilt

"Why am I gaining weight again? Let's eat Zumbo tonight?"

Talking about obesity can alleviate some of the guilt when 

people engage in behavioral activities that may lead to weight 


For example, a girl may say to others "I know eating this much 

will definitely put on weight" while eating a buffet, in which 

case the woman apologises to her friend for her food violation 

rules, so she can Reduce guilt from over eating.

Reason three:

Reduce the feeling of powerlessness about your body's status

"My figure is really bad!!!"

Because there is a big gap between ideals and reality, women 

themselves do not have a very good figure, and they will feel 

very hopeless in their hearts. Talking about obesity can let 

women release the pressure of feeling that they are not in 

good shape.

When talking about obesity becomes an outlet for stress, this 

is a way for women to understand what they're thinking and 

reduce their powerlessness and distress about their body 


In fact, there is no right or wrong in wishing you to be slim, 

the key lies in the scope of your grasp.

If it is like in our daily life, when we try on clothes or go out to 

eat a big meal, he occasionally mentions topics related to the 

body, and it is understandable to make fun of ourselves or any 


Such a move can become a flavoring agent in life, allowing you 

to pay attention to controlling your diet from time to time to 

ensure a healthy lifestyle.

But if you talk about these things a lot, and you put your 

whole heart into thinking about these things, it's not worth the 


If there are always some friends around you who frequently 

make you pay attention to these aspects, then you can also 

consider staying away from them properly. After all, negative 

emotions are transmitted much faster than positive emotions, 

and this will affect your state for a period of time.


You thought you were just talking about obesity

Not so

In fact, talking about obesity has many disadvantages. For 

example, it can lead to various aspects, such as dissatisfaction 

with the body, eating disorders, and negative emotions.

If people around you often talk about your body very 

pessimistically, or talk to you about dieting and weight loss, 

you will gradually feel unconfident and negative about your 


This kind of dissatisfaction will push the individual to resort 

to some kind of weight loss plan, repeatedly demeaning 

himself, and these negative ways to restore his inner balance.

If someone around you always tells you that you feel that your 

figure is really bad, if she is fatter than you, it's okay, I'm 

afraid she's thinner than you, prettier than you, if things go on 

like this, you can't help but feel I will think, she is ugly, then I 

will not say, will I be finished in the future.

" "fat talk" has many negative effects, it can still be an 

important "shield" in some cases.

Shield ① Ask for comfort and hugs!

When people want comfort from other friends and elicit 

"social confirmation", for example, a woman complains about 

her body by saying "I feel like I'm fat today", she may be 

expecting her friend to comfort her and hope you Be able to 

respond by saying something like, "Stop, you know your legs 

are thin, and I'm faster than you."

Shield ② I'm fat, so I didn't pass the interview

There are many such situations in our lives. For example, a 

friend of mine, Andy, after she came back from the interview, 

kept complaining about her figure, saying that she must be too 

fat and not good-looking, so she did not pass the interview 

without extra points. , and immediately began to lose weight.

However, we all understand that body shape may not account 

for the main proportion of the reduction in the interview.

Shield ③ I must be too fat, he broke up with me

This kind of talk can also mask other potentially unspoken 

issues, such as calling someone fat after a breakup to mask 

anger and sadness after a breakup.

A friend of mine used to lose weight crazy for a period of time, 

looking for information related to weight loss, and even joined 

a weight loss group to discuss weight loss tips with each other. 

I was very confused, because she belongs to the shapely body 

type. Yes, why are you suddenly so obsessed with losing 


But one day, she suddenly confessed to her heart and told me 

that she always felt fat, insecure, and desperate about her 

figure, but all of this was because her boyfriend had 

abandoned her. This fact made her uncomfortable, and she 

felt that attributing it to her body problems would make her 

feel less painful about the breakup.

If you have been living up to this day, and occasionally there is 

a phenomenon of "talking about obesity", and it does not 

bother you, then after reading this article, you should consider 

it as learning a new knowledge point. At the same time, you 

can pass on your experience to those around you.

But if it brings you a lot of trouble, for example, it makes you 

feel more and more inferior, or makes you feel a little 

pessimistic about your future development, or it makes you 

pay attention to your own life every day. The body or some 

other unimportant things delay the business, and then hate 

myself even more.

I think it is necessary for you to consider the reasons behind 

your talk, use the forces around you to help you overcome 

difficulties, give full play to the role of others as role models 

and learn your own subjective initiative, and slowly change 


Lastly, I would like to say that there is still a long way to go in 

the "fat talk", heroes and cherish it.

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