Losing weight is not just about dieting, exercising and sweating like crazy, this is what you should care about

Weight loss is a lifelong career for a person who pursues his 
own body. It is the most direct and concrete experience of a 
person who loves the beauty of life. If a person gives up even 
his own body, one can imagine how much his life has lived. 
Muddle along.

Most people will go on a diet in the first place to lose weight, 
because if you eat less, if you eat less, you will definitely lose 
weight. It seems to be a consensus of many people.

If you work hard to achieve the goal of sweating frantically 
when your intake is already reduced, it seems that you are 
only one step away from the perfect body in our minds.

But most people who use this method to lose weight will have 
an obvious rebound phenomenon, even if you seem to have 
achieved the effect of losing weight quickly, but once you 
return to a normal diet and work and rest, there will be a 
significant rebound.

Because most of the weight lost in this way is the water in the 
body, but the stomach is relaxed, so as long as you return to a 
normal diet, the rebound rate will be so obvious.

In fact, to lose weight, weight is not the key you should care 
about, but body fat percentage is the top priority you should 
really care about.

Body fat percentage is an important percentage of body fat in 
your total body weight. This data can more objectively reflect 
your fatness and thinness. A person seems to be quite heavy, 
but it is also possible that his muscles are very developed, so 
that he will not feel fat, but we will still feel that his figure is 
just right, which is what we usually call dressing. Thin, 
undressed with meat.

The body fat rate reflects your fat content, which is the key 
factor for fat and thinness.

The normal range of body fat rate for adults is 20% to 25% for 
women and 15% to 18% for men. With age, the body fat rate 
may be slightly higher, and only if the body fat rate exceeds 
20% of the normal value. Would be considered obese.

So what are the ways to reduce body fat? To reduce calorie 
consumption, increasing calorie consumption through 
exercise is a very good way to.
Push-ups are an excellent way to reduce the body fat rate. 
Push-ups can not only exercise people's upper body strength, 
but also improve people's abdominal muscle strength and 
improve the body's static and dynamic strength.

Most of a person's fat is concentrated in the abdomen, and 
insisting on doing push-ups every day can tear the abdomen 
and provide you with a steady stream of motivation to reduce 
your body fat rate.

When we are doing push-ups, we can choose a push-up 

to help you better complete the push-ups, and truly treat 
sports and fitness as a kind of fun.

You no longer have to worry about your body fat rate not 
being able to go down. As long as your body fat rate is 
reduced, you will no longer have to worry about being 
bloated, and your temperament and image will be greatly 

Losing weight is a lifelong career. Only by making the most 
correct choice of exercise at any time can we truly become 
the thin people in our hearts. Only by understanding where 
we should lose weight can we truly lose weight. The skinny 


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Jason Gill

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