Friends say that being hungry means dieting, and eating less is unhealthy, so how should I lose weight?

"My friend said that eating less means dieting, and it is unhealthy to be hungry, so how should I lose weight?"

Yes, many people feel very resistant to starvation.

They think that exercise is the kind way to lose weight, and eating less is the other way around.

And there are many examples:

"I used to eat two bowls of rice a day to lose weight, and my relatives didn't come."

"After the gym class, everyone ate wildly at noon, and no one was fat."

This is better than me.

What are the facts? Controlling diet is the main force for weight loss, and exercise is just a supplement.

The way to lose weight without starving and eating less is basically a lie.

Eating less is not necessarily a diet

The same is to control the amount of food, the same to control the intake of food, but eating less is not necessarily a diet.

So what does it mean to be on a diet?

Fasting for too long

The first is called fasting, which is, for example, the 21-day diet, where you only drink water and do not eat for three consecutive days.

That's called dieting.

Generally, if you do not eat for more than 24 hours, it is considered a diet, but different people have different tolerances.

For example, some people do not eat for one day a week, which is not considered a diet, but only light fasting.

It is also a healthy way to lose weight.

Insufficient nutrient intake

The second is that the nutrition is not up to standard. In fact, some people seem to be full, but they are still lacking nutrition.

Then, during the period of weight loss, many people eat less, no matter what it is, and cut less in half, which may lead to malnutrition.

For example, you have very little protein, and as a result, the intake of eggs and meat was cut in half during the weight loss period.

In other words, if you don't eat meat directly, it is very easy to be malnourished.

Calories lower than basal metabolism

In terms of calories, in terms of calories, our calorie intake should not be lower than our basal metabolism.

For example, your basal metabolism is 1500 kcal, and you eat 900 kcal a day.

Then this serious calorie deficit will lead to a decline in body function, which also belongs to the category of dieting.

Therefore, the ideal control diet, the calories should not be lower than the basal metabolism.

Starving is not necessarily unhealthy

The second argument is that you eat less and eat less, but you must not be hungry.

As long as you are hungry, you are not healthy.

Being healthy or unhealthy is not necessarily a matter of starvation.

If you really lack any nutrients in your body, then it will show.

Shedding of hair

If you lose your hair and shed your skin more severely during weight loss, it means that your body lacks vitamins.

At this time, you can eat more vegetables, or buy a few bottles of vitamin tablets to relieve it.

This is what is called health.

Frequent muscle spasms

Frequent muscle cramps are caused by the lack of trace elements such as calcium and phosphorus in the body, and protein intake may not match the amount of training.

This can lead to muscle spasms, and cramps are part of it.

Another aspect is that when the muscles move around, they experience small spasms like an electric shock.

This time, I also need to pay attention.

Body shivering

In this situation, people who implement the 21-day weight loss method will definitely encounter it, because, as mentioned above, the calorie intake is lower than the basal metabolism.

Your body doesn't absorb enough heat, so it's hard to maintain a constant temperature.

This is very dangerous. During this process, your blood sugar is very low, and then you may faint at any time.

Therefore, carbohydrates are actually very important. The premise of not eating staple foods at all is that there are many carbohydrates in other foods.

If you boiled chicken breast and spinach all day, you still have to eat some staple food, otherwise you will really faint.

You see, this is diet control for weight loss, don't either, you can completely adjust your diet according to your physical state.

Instead of falling into a dead end, if you haven't lost weight, you say that starving is unhealthy, and eating less is dieting.

So why are you losing weight?
