Low-fat Healthy Crawfish Salad


The purple cabbage is boiled in water, the crayfish is cooked in water

with a little salt, carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, and tomatoes can be

eaten raw. Except for the salad dressing, the whole dish is oil-free,

low-fat, healthy, nutritious, high in vitamins and high in protein. Low-

carb, very suitable for weight loss meals or intermittent meal dinners,

eating a large pot will not gain weight, but also very full.


About ten crayfish

A lettuce

Half purple cabbage

Six small tomatoes

Half cucumber

Half carrot

Salad dressing salad dressing


1. Purchase the ingredients you need. According to your personal

taste, you can add corn, potatoes, bacon, beef, chicken breasts and

other ingredients you like.

2. Clean the crayfish (pull the shrimp line/cut the feet and gills/cut off

the black dirt on the head of the shrimp/brush the abdomen of the

crayfish) clean the crayfish with clean water, onion, ginger slices and

two grams of salt to cook the lobster, take out, peel off the lobster

meat and set aside.

3. Wash the ingredients and set aside, wash the carrots and cut them

into thin slices (you can use a mold to cut out your favorite patterns)

4. Purple cabbage needs to be blanched in water a little.

5. Slice the cucumber, cut the tomato in half, slice the carrot, branch

the purple cabbage, shred, and cut the lettuce into large pieces for

later use.

6. Find a large glass bowl, put the processed ingredients in order, pour

in the salad dressing, or salad dressing mayonnaise and other salad

dressings you like, stir and mix well and eat.

7. Fresh and healthy low-fat and high-protein crayfish salad is ready to

eat! If you can buy ice grass, this amazing salad dish that bursts into

the mouth is even more perfect!

8. I like to mix salad dressing with salad dressing one-to-one. It is very

fragrant and I feel very satisfied when I eat vegetables!

9. The ingredients must be fresh, delicious, and of good quality. If you

are afraid that you will be hungry soon after eating, you can and half a

piece of chicken breast to the main dish, cook it and tear it into shreds,

or mix it with half a piece of boiled potato. The mix is ​​also very, very

delicious! ! !

Cooking Tips:

If you are taking it out for a picnic or a work meal, keep the sauce

alone. For a long time, remember keeping it at room temperature,

preferably at low temperature.

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