Low-fat healthy and delicious ~ super tender chicken breast fried cucumber slices


Although the beginning of autumn is approaching, we still have

to be vigilant of the "autumn tiger", and eat more food with

high water content to make the body more comfortable and

away from the discomfort caused by autumn dryness. Today, I

will share with you my specialty dish made with cucumbers. A

little trick makes this dish smooth, tender, and fragrant.

Netizens have commented, "It's delicious, not fat, really


Materials needed~

1 piece chicken breast

1 cucumber

1 small carrot

1 shallow

2 slices ginger

2 cloves garlic

2 dried chillies

Appropriate amount of salt

1 spoon of cooking wine

1 tablespoon soy sauce

Appropriate amount of pepper

A little water starch


1. First of all, we will deal with the chicken breast. We was the

chicken breast, removed the fascia and fat from its surface, cut

it into thin slices and put it in a bowl. Add a little salt, 1

tablespoon of cooking wine, a little pepper and ginger slices

and mix. Evenly, seal and marinate for 15 minutes. When the

indoor temperature is high, put it in the refrigerator to marinate.

2. Then deal with other side dishes. First, was all the side

dishes. Cut the cucumber into diamond-shaped slices. If you

can't cut it, you can play it freely. The shape will not affect the

taste of the dishes. Peel the carrots and cut them into thin

slices.. slices; garlic peeled and sliced; shallots cut into cubes;

dried peppers are scalded with hot water and then cut into


3. Add an appropriate amount of corn oil to the pot, first put in

the marinated chicken breasts, quickly slip and stir-fry, wait for

most of the chicken breasts to stir-fry and change color, then

put them out for use. Use the residual temperature of the

chicken breasts to put the chicken breasts. The meat is all

simmered so that the chicken breasts are more tender after


4. Then add sliced ​​garlic, dried chili peppers and diced shallots

to the pot, stir-fry on low heat until fragrant.

5. Put the modified cucumber slices and carrot slices into the

pot together, turn to medium heat and quickly stir-fry.

6. Then start seasoning, an appropriate amount of salt, 1

tablespoon of fresh soy sauce, and an appropriate amount of

pepper to stir-fry quickly and evenly. The cucumber is easier to

make soup when stir-frying. After adding the seasoning, stir fry


7. Finally, pour an appropriate amount of water starch into the

pot and stir fry evenly. The amount of water starch should not

be too much. It is good to make the soup slightly thicker. It can

make the seasoning and the dishes blend better and make the

dishes more flavorful. .

8. This dish is tender and delicious, especially the chicken

breast, which is extra tender and fragrant, not hard or hard,

and very tasty. This dish is not only delicious, but also light and

refreshing. It has vegetables and meat, and it is low-fat and

low-calorie. It is suitable for most people's tastes. Is there such

a dish missing from your table?

Cooking skills:

1. The chicken breast should be marinated in advance, so that

the taste will be more tender.

2. Boil the dried peppers with hot water for a few minutes,

which can not only clean the dust and impurities on the

surface, but also prevent the dried peppers from being tried by

the high temperature in the pot.
