Low-calorie pasta set(with 6 flavors)


Low-calorie pasta set](with 6 flavors)

Pasta is a low GI and low GL food, and it is a good substitute

for staple foods. Basically, it can be done in 20 minutes,

reducing fat and low calories, delicious = happy and thin

Cooking pasta: After boiling water, and 70g of pasta, add a

spoonful of salt, turn to medium heat and cook slowly. I

researched for the best firmness and firmness of pasta cooked

for 12 minutes

Asparagus, Shrimp and Mushroom Pasta

(fresh and delicious)


3 asparagus

3 white mushrooms

5 shrimp

1 garlic

Skim milk


Slice the asparagus and mushrooms, minced garlic, and add

the shrimp. Marinate the shrimp with black pepper and a little

salt for 10 minutes; add a little olive oil and minced garlic to

the pan, and the asparagus. After the shrimp is cooked, add a

little salt; pour in half a box of milk and cook on low heat until

bubbling, add a little salt, and mix the pasta and and black


Black Pepper Mushroom Tender Chicken Pasta

(So ​​meaty!)


40g chicken breast, 4 white mushrooms, 1 garlic


After the chicken breast is cut into strips, and 1 tablespoon of

raw soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of water and 1/2 tablespoon of

oyster sauce and a proper amount of black pepper, marinate

for more than 10 minutes (the longer it is, the more delicious it

is) ; slice the mushrooms and since the garlic; add a little olive

oil and since the garlic in the pan, and the chicken breast and

fry Dish out when cooked; fry the mushrooms with the

remaining garlic oil, and half a spoon of soy sauce; pour in the

pasta, and black pepper, half A Spoon of soy sauce, and half a

spoon of oyster sauce.

Tomato Shrimp and Mushroom Pasta


1 egg

1 large tomato

5 shrimp

Moderate amount of onion


Shrimp is marinated according to recipe 1. The tomatoes are

blanched, peeled and cut into small cubes. Beat the eggs and

stir-fry until cooked. When the pan is hot, olive oil and fry the

onions until fragrant. Stir fry the shrimp, mushrooms and eggs

evenly, add a small spoon of salt; and in the pasta and mix

well, and 1 spoon of soy sauce, half a spoon of oyster sauce

and black pepper.

Corn Shrimp Cream Pasta

(Mysterious Dafa that does not require cream)


1/3 corn

5 shrimp

1 garlic

Skim milk 200ml


The corn is steamed and peeled, and the shrimp is marinated

as in the first recipe. After the pot is hot, add a little olive oil

and minced garlic, then add the shrimp and corn kernels; the

four 200ml of Skim milk and boil over medium heat; and 1

tablespoon of salt and a little black pepper after adding the


Avocado and Shrimp Green Bean Pasta


Half avocado

5 shrimp

1 green pea

Skim milk


Half of the avocado and Skim milk are made into juice in a

food processor; the green beans will be softer; add a little olive

oil to fry the shrimp after the pan is hot, and the green beans;

add the pasta and mix well, then add the avocado sauce; and

an appropriate amount of salt.

Salmon and Shrimp Pasta


Salmon 30g

5 shrimp

2 mushrooms

Skim milk

Method: After the oil is hot, share the salmon, and then the

shrimp, and salt and black pepper and mix well; add sliced ​​

mushrooms; submerged the ingredients with skimmed milk

and boil; and 1 tablespoon of salt; and pasta, mix well, and

drain the sauce.

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