Super delicious, fat-reducing meal. ~Lettuce balanced nutrition that is easy to prepare and can be enjoyed at home or on-the-go.


Moderate amount of Basa fish fillets

One fried egg.

One tomato.

6 lettuce leaves

1 carrot.

1/4 of a bell pepper

Appropriate amount of pizza sauce


1. Mix light soy sauce and pepper with the pangasius slices. Fry the mixture in a pan with eggs until fully cooked.

2. Start by preparing the vegetables. First, lay out a sheet of plastic wrap on the table. Wash the lettuce and place it on the plastic wrap. Slice the tomatoes, shred the carrots, and chop the green peppers.

3. Add four sliced tomatoes.

4. Carrot and green pepper shreds

5. Fried Eggs

6. Spread some pizza sauce or tomato sauce on the Pangasius fillets.

7. Cover with four more sliced tomatoes.

8. Finally, cover it with lettuce.

9. Roll the plastic wrap on both sides first.

10. Roll the mixture into rolls, starting from the bottom and rolling upwards.

11. Cut in the middle.

12. Finish.

13. A very simple, fast, and nutritious meal for reducing fat.

Lean Optimizer

Boost Metabolism, Burn Fat & Suppress Appetite*

Turn ON Youthful "Fat Burning" & "Appetite Suppressing" Hormones

Most of my life, I've been overweight. It runs in my family I guess because both my parents are on the "heavy" side. ... No matter what I do, how well I eat, how much I workout ... the fat takes a lot longer to come off, with much more effort then someone else. My younger brother turned me on to your Lean Optimizer about 5 months ago because he wrestles in college and uses it. I've been using your product 3 months on/1 month off this entire time and I've lost and kept off 23 lbs so far! I'm very excited and will keep you posted on my results the rest of the year.

Beth Thomas

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