Low-fat and low-sugar breakfast options that are nutritious.



One packet of cereal meal replacement powder.

One egg.

80 grams of water

one mango

A few blueberries


1. Pour the meal replacement powder into a bowl.

2. Crack an egg into the mixture and stir lightly.

3. Add water.

4.Stir until a thin paste forms.

5. Add oil to the non-stick pan.

6. Pour the prepared batter into the pan.

7. Shake the pan to spread the batter and make pancakes.

8. Fry on both sides until they turn golden brown.

9. Remove from the pan and cut into pieces. Place the pieces on a plate. Cut the mango into pieces and use it to decorate the dish. Drizzle chocolate sauce over the surface.

10. Done. 

Lean Optimizer

Boost Metabolism, Burn Fat & Suppress Appetite*

Turn ON Youthful "Fat Burning" & "Appetite Suppressing" Hormones

Hi Sam ... Just a quick note to let you know what my doctor said with my recent check up. I've been using your Lean Optimizer for 4 months straight now. I've lost 22 lbs and seriously, I have MORE energy then ever before and feel amazing and sex drive is up and I feel alive again. Now, if that isn't great, my doctor said my blood pressure and cholesterol were back in the normal ranges and everything was fine. The only thing he said that was getting near the "high" ranges is my thyroid and I guess that's good and that explains my faster metabolism and more energy. Your product really is exercise in a bottle ... actually, it's HEALTH in a bottle. I love it. I don't think I'm every going off!!!

Jason Misseri

Most of my life, I've been overweight. It runs in my family I guess because both my parents are on the "heavy" side. ... No matter what I do, how well I eat, how much I workout ... the fat takes a lot longer to come off, with much more effort then someone else. My younger brother turned me on to your Lean Optimizer about 5 months ago because he wrestles in college and uses it. I've been using your product 3 months on/1 month off this entire time and I've lost and kept off 23 lbs so far! I'm very excited and will keep you posted on my results the rest of the year.

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