Good-looking and delicious. ~Low-fat


1 egg

2 slices of ham

Appropriate Amount of Vegetables

1 Purple potato.

2 small sweet potatoes

A little bit of olive oil.


1. Steam purple and sweet potatoes in a pot.

2. Steamed

3. Mashed into mud and set aside.

4.Mash it into a mud-like consistency and set it aside.

5. Eggs, ham slices, and green vegetables are fried in an electric skillet with olive oil.

6.All the ingredients are stacked layer by layer.

7. Wrap it in plastic wrap.

8. Cut with a knife down the middle and serve.~

9. Delicious!

Lean Optimizer

Boost Metabolism, Burn Fat & Suppress Appetite*

Turn ON Youthful "Fat Burning" & "Appetite Suppressing" Hormones

I've used a couple of your products in the past with good results and about a year ago I started using Lean Optimizer to help me lose my "menopause" weight. I wanted to let you and everyone know that I've lost a total of 54 pounds in 10 months. And I know Lean Optimizer had a lot to do with it because every time I ran out and stopped using it, my weight loss slowed down and stopped. My entire life is better now. I no longer have to take my diabetes medication either. My family and I want to thank you dr. Robbins for all your help, information and quality products that really do work. God bless!!!Sue Hodson
