Nutritious and healthy ~ burritos that can be eaten even if you lose fat


The road to fat loss is not that demanding. Losing too fast will

affect your health, it will cause dizziness, fatigue, rapid

heartbeat, etc., and you will feel that you have rushed to a void

in a short period of time. In addition, it will affect women's

menstrual cycle, which is not good for menstruation, so the

weight loss diet nutrition still cannot be reduced. The best

speed and effects of losing weight vary from person to person.

The process of weight loss can generally be manifested into

three types: one is a steady weight loss, with a weekly or daily

weight loss of 0.5-1 kg; The third is that the weight drops

rapidly at first, even reaching 1-2 kg per week, and then stops

for several weeks to several months, and then slowly declined.

Obviously, the first type is more stable and smooth, and there

will not be too many dangers. The third type is more common.

When you go on a diet to lose weight, you start to lose weight

quickly, which is mainly the result of tissue protein and water

loss. As the weight loss continues, the weight loss is not

obvious, and if you persist, the fat tissue will be consumed, and

the weight will start to drop again. So I want to tell friends who

are on the way to losing weight that they must eat reasonably,

and any food can be eaten, but the amount must be controlled.

Required materials~


150g flour

1 g of table salt

40 grams of boiling water

40 grams of cold water

Side dishes:

1 tofu skin

A little cucumber

A little carrot

1 ham sausage

1 egg

3 slices lettuce

A little pizza sauce


1. Add 1 gram of salt to 150 grams of flour and stir evenly, and

40 grams of boiling water and stir to form flocs, then add 40

grams of cold water to knead into a smooth dough. No need to

wake up, just divide it into four surface preparations, knead

the round brush oil and let it sit for half an hour before using

it. The proofed dough is rolled into a round shape and placed

in an electric baking pan. Without oiling, the surface will be

cooked with small bubbles. It's enough to turn it over two or

three times, depending on the temperature of each electric

baking pan.

2. This is the tofu skin marinated in advance the night before

3. Cut the ham sausage into long strips and put them in a non-

stick pan. Fry the whole egg. 

4. After the burritos are ready, brush with a layer of pizza

sauce. Put the washed lettuce on top.

5. Then put eggs and tofu skin.

6. Add shredded cucumber, carrot, and ham sausage.

7. Roll the porcelain with plastic wrap, so that it tastes better if

it is rolled tighter.

8. Once rolled, cut in half with a knife.

9. The delicious burrito is ready. This burrito is my favorite

breakfast for my children and me.

10. Pair it with this moisture-removing porridge: barley, red

bean, red bean, corn kernels, lily, and pea. Soak in advance.

11. Cook for 40 minutes on the lowest heat of the pressure


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