Delicious and filling weight loss meal~Egg Burrito



Appropriate amount of tenderloin

1Ham sausage.

2 eggs

Low-gluten flour, 60g.

Appropriate amount of chili sauce.

Appropriate amount of sweet noodle sauce.

Appropriate amount of finely shredded cucumber.

Appropriate Amount of Lettuce

Appropriate Amount of Salt

Appropriate amount of black pepper.


1. Slice the tenderloin and marinate it with salt and black pepper for 10 minutes.

2. Fry the marinated tenderloin in a pan with oil, and cook the ham until it becomes fragrant.

3. Add a small amount of salt to two beaten eggs, then add 60g of low-gluten flour. Slowly pour in water and mix well until a smooth, particle-free batter is formed. Add the shallots and mix thoroughly. (Amount for two omelettes)

4. Once the oil pan is heated, pour the batter into it and shape it into a uniform cake. Slowly fry on low heat until the bottom surface is solidified and turns golden in color. Flip the food over and continue cooking.

5. Spread sweet bean sauce and chili sauce on the cake. Then, add tenderloin, ham sausage, shredded cucumber, and lettuce for a delicious combination of flavors and textures.

6. Roll up the item and remove it from the pan.

7. I heard that soy milk and egg burritos are better in the morning!

Lean Optimizer

Boost Metabolism, Burn Fat & Suppress Appetite*

Turn ON Youthful "Fat Burning" & "Appetite Suppressing" Hormones

Dear Sam. I'm very new to the world of health and fitness. My family has always told me that "supplements" are not healthy or natural and that they are bad for me and so forth. Unfortunately, my father died about 7 months ago due to a heart attack (his 3rd one) and my mother is ill with adult onset diabetes. So, with that said ... I've realized that being "natural" isn't necessarily healthy either as both my parents have been unhealthy for many years.

About 5 months ago I decided I needed to make a change in my life or else, I would also follow in their foot steps and have many health complications as I get older and there would be a burden on my children. So, I decided I would join a gym and get a personal trainer and begin eating better and adding in my supplements to aid in my new life-style. I lost 17 lbs the first 2 months and I was very excited!

But, things slowed down and I began to gain weight again because I had cravings. My personal trainer suggested I take your Lean Optimizer product since he also thought my metabolism had begun to slow down with the dieting. Almost 10 weeks ago I started taking your Lean Optimizer product and since then, I've lost an additional 11 lbs. BUT, my trainer says I've lost more fat because my muscle weight has gone up. I've also lost an additional 2 dress sizes and luckily, my breasts haven't shrunk as much as when I lost the first 17 lbs without the aid of your product.

I am so happy with the results. Your Lean Optimizer is a very healthy and safe product that delivers results better then my expectations. Thank you so much. You have a life-long customer AND friend. Bless you!

Agnes Marjami

To buy, please click the link directly
