Low-calorie and low-fat ~ cold buckwheat noodles


Eating a bowl of cold buckwheat noodles in the summer is most suitable when it's easy to lose your appetite. With low-calorie and low-fat dishes, it is delicious and not fattening!


60g Buckwheat Longxu Noodles

Half a cucumber.

Half a carrot.

1 crab stick

1 egg

1 stalk of coriander

3 tablespoons lemon juice for salad

Appropriate amount of cooking oil


1. Prepare ingredients.

2. Shred the cucumbers and carrots. Beat the eggs to make egg liquid and spread it over the shredded vegetables. Cut the coriander into small pieces for later use.

3. Put water in a pot, boil until it's slightly boiling, then add soba noodles.

4. Boil until there is no hard core, drain and remove, and cool down for later use.

5. Put the cooked soba noodles into a large bowl, add vegetables, and drizzle with lemon juice for a salad.

6. Mix well.

7. Roll the cold buckwheat noodles into rolls and put them on a plate.

8. Buckwheat cold noodles are refreshing and not greasy. They are full of nutrients and are healthy, making them very suitable for the fat loss period.

Cooking Tips:

You can add some chili according to your personal taste.

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