Cucumber Floss Roll



110g of all-purpose flour

Cucumber juice, 180g

4 eggs

Black Sesame Meat Floss, 90g

Appropriate Amount of Salt

Appropriate amount of black sesame seeds.

Appropriate Amount of Salad Dressing

Cucumber Juice Ingredients:

Cucumber, 120g

80 grams of distilled water


1. Wash the cucumber and cut it into slices.

2. To make the juice, add 80 grams. Take 180 grams of the juice and reserve some extra, adjusting the amount based on the flour's water absorption.

3. Beat the eggs and a pinch of salt into the flour, then mix thoroughly.

4. Add cucumber juice to the batter in small amounts, preferably multiple times.

5. The mixed batter has a flowable consistency and can be filtered once more if needed.

6. Turn the non-stick pan to low heat and brush it with a small amount of oil.

7. When the pot is heated to 50%, pour in a suitable amount of batter. Shake the bottom of the pot to spread the batter evenly across the entire bottom.

8. Sprinkle black sesame seeds onto the batter when it has slightly solidified.

9. When the batter is fully cooked on one side, flip it over.

10. Sprinkle black sesame and dried meat floss on top after cooking.

11. Squeeze an appropriate amount of salad dressing.

12. Roll it up and eat it!

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