Vegetarian roll with three slices of pickles


The most commonly consumed vegetables during the period of fat

reduction are lettuce, cucumber, and tofu. These vegetables are

known to be effective in reducing fat, and the more you consume

them, the more likely you are to become thinner. Today, I will share a

recipe for a low-calorie and fat-reducing vegetarian roll filled with

three types of shredded pickles. It appears to be an ordinary

vegetable. Roll it up and dip it in the soul sauce; it's super delicious!


Half a cucumber

Half a carrot

One green pepper

5 slices of lettuce

4 cloves of garlic

2 spoons of bean paste

A spoonful of soy sauce

1 spoonful of oyster sauce

A spoonful of tomato paste

A spoonful of sugar

Half a bowl of water

Appropriate amount of oil


1. Prepare ingredients for backup.

2. Shred the cucumbers, carrots, and green peppers.

3. Blanch the tofu with boiling water to remove the bean-like smell.

4. Take a small bowl and add 2 tablespoons of June chives and bean paste.

5. Add a spoonful of oyster sauce.

6. Add a spoonful of light soy sauce.

7. Add tomato paste.

8. Add a spoonful of sugar and half a bowl of water, then mix well.

9.Heat the oil in a pan, add minced garlic, and sauté until fragrant.

10. Pour the sauce in. 

11. Boil over low heat until thickened.

12. Spread out the bean sprouts, then add lettuce, cucumber, carrot, and green pepper.

13. Roll up from top to bottom

14. Cut into chunks.

15. Put it on a plate and add the dipping sauce.

16. One bite of the dish and one dip into the sauce, and it's super delicious!
