High-value breakfast - double egg rolls

A visually appealing and delectable breakfast can effortlessly

awaken both the senses and appetite, surpassing the

effectiveness of an alarm clock. Although it may appear

complicated, it is actually quite simple to use. As for the taste,

it is certainly not inferior to breakfast outside. Do you not

believe? ! Come and try.


3 eggs

2 slices of lettuce

2 ham sausages

Appropriate amount of green onions

Flour - 2 tbsp

Appropriate amount of salt

An appropriate amount of five-spice powder

An appropriate amount of black pepper


1. Ingredients Preparation

2. Chopped lettuce.

3. Dice the ham sausage. It is better to dice it into smaller pieces, as it will make it easier to roll up the egg roll.

4. Take three eggs and separate the whites from the yolks.

5.Make enough for two people

6. Add a suitable amount of salt to the protein.

7. Stir evenly.

8. Add two tablespoons of flour. It is recommended to add it gradually, as adding too much flour at once will make the egg mixture thicker and affect the taste.

9. Put the diced ham in the liquid protein.

10. Add an appropriate amount of salt and five-spice powder to the egg yolk, and stir well.

11. Add chopped lettuce leaves. Vegetables can be added according to your preference.

12. Stir well, making sure to stir the egg yolk.

13. Heat the pan and pour oil. It is best to use a non-stick pan.

14. Spread the two colored egg mixtures separately. This is a meringue cake.

15. This is an egg yolk cake.

16. After removing it, assemble the code together.

17. Roll up while it's hot.

18. Cut into small pieces.

19. After placing, sprinkle with black pepper.

20. Done

21. Take a bite. It is very soft. You must try it.

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For most of my life, I've always been a bit 'chubby'. I guess it's just a genetic thing. My sweet tooth hasn't helped out of course. =) Now that I'm about to turn 40, I've realized the 'chubby' has simply turned into UGLY FAT! For a solid 16 months, I tried a lot of fat burning supplements and altered my diet, my workouts and everything else in my life to get rid of this life-long fat. Most of the supplement didn't work, but that's not that surprising. Now, some did, but it wasn't a long-term effect and I always felt nervous or overly anxious on these other fat burning supplements.

One of the head trainers at my gym here in Santa Monica referred me to your product and SWORE by it. Well, I didn't expect much, but I figured it couldn't hurt to give it a try with summer coming and all. You'd be pleased to know the effects have been very, very, very positive. So far, it's worked the best at getting rid of my body fat. But the really neat part is that it's KEEPING IT OFF. Yes, I still have to take it, but it seems that as long as I'm on it, I feel and look great.

The product doesn't stop working like other do after a few weeks. Plus, it's really killed my sugar craving and the extra energy means more cardio at the gym. So, I'm really doing well and super happy with your product. It's really well done. Thanks ... I'll keep you posted on my results


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