Low-fat and delicious weight loss dishes ~ tomato chicken meatballs

 In summer, it is hot, and appetite will be affected. Many people do not like to eat

meat, but if they do not eat meat for a long time, the supply of protein is insufficient,

which can easily cause symptoms such as fatigue and malnutrition. In order to lose

weight, many people think that meat is too high in calories, which is not conducive

to keeping in shape. In fact, the most common chicken breast is meat with relatively

low calories, and the taste is not greasy, no fishy smell, suitable for various

processing methods such as frying, frying, frying, salad, etc. The price of chicken

breast is very low, we have eight pounds per pound, high protein content, suitable

for people who want to lose weight, share the delicious chicken breast recipe

below, you can store it for later use.

Tomato Chicken Meatballs


1. Put a cross-shaped knife on the tomato, then put it in boiling water and branch it.

After blanching, peel it off easily, and the outer skin will be removed.

2. Cut the peeled tomatoes into small cubes, then cut the mushrooms into small

cubes, and finally chop some chopped green onions for later use.

3. Cut the chicken breasts into pieces, and put the cut chicken breasts into the

meat grinder.

4. Turn the meat grinder at high speed to smash the chicken breast, then put an

egg white in it, then add 2 tablespoons of water starch, and then turn the meat

grinder at high speed to mix the egg white, water starch and chicken mash evenly.

Let the mash up.

5. Take out the mashed chicken, and an appropriate amount of sweet corn kernels

and diced mushrooms, and add some chopped green onion. Add 2 teaspoons of

salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a small amount of oyster sauce, sprinkled with a little

white pepper, and finally drizzle a little sesame oil, then mix all the ingredients in

one direction.

6. Heat the oil in the pot, chop the green onion and salute until fragrant, then add

the diced tomatoes, stir-fry until the tomatoes become soft, and an appropriate

amount of water and bring to a boil.

7. Then squeeze the chicken balls out of the tiger's mouth, scrape them up with a

spoon and put them into the boiling soup.

8. In this way, make all the chicken stuffing into meatballs one by one, cook on

medium-high heat until the color of the chicken meatballs turns white and floats to

the surface of the soup, it is cooked. After the chicken balls are cooked, pour in a

little soy sauce, then add 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of sugar, stir well with

a spoon, and finally sprinkle with an appropriate amount of black pepper, and it's

ready to serve.

9. Put it in a bowl and let it cool. You can sprinkle some chopped green onion and

minced coriander after the pot is out. A low-fat and high-protein tomato chicken

meatball is ready. Friends who want to lose fat in summer can try it. 

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I don't know if the testimonials at your site are real or just made up (sorry if that sounds insulting, you just don't know these days) ... But I wanted to send you an email from a REAL person with REAL results. I've been on your Lean Optimizer 3 weeks now. I used 2 caps a day the first week, 4 caps a day the second week and then 5 capsules this third week. So, I'm almost done with my first bottle.

... The results? Well, after just 3 weeks, I've lost 4.5 lbs and almost 2 dress sizes, which is the amazing part. I usually need to lose more then just 4-5 lbs for two whole dress sizes. As an added bonus, my breasts are still the same cup size?!! I'm sure they will begin to lose some size as I lose more weight, but I've never had them stay this full while dieting. Usually, my breasts lose the weight first, which is just horrible!

