Have you ever met a woman who loses weight but still has to play with others?

This is a very interesting story, I am not afraid to scare you. My roommate, no, it

should be a  former roommate, a former roommate, a little woman, 164 in height,

only 80 pounds, really skinny figure. However, her biggest goal is still to lose

weight. Once she reached 81  kilograms, she began to write in her

notebook: XXX! You are such rubbish! Thin thin! (She showed me the book once

and I saw the page next to it) The goal is 60 catties.

Okay, let's 

lose weight. Everyone thinks differently, but they just don't admit it.

They don't admit that  they are losing weight. When I was in college, the four of us

ate together in the dormitory. 

She has never eaten a grain of rice, and only eats an egg and a small bowl of

sugar-free soy  milk in the morning (the egg has to throw away the fat-containing

egg yolk).

I think if she loses weight or something by herself, even if her opinion has been

distorted, it doesn't  matter, as long as it doesn't affect us. However.. She is a very

jealous, terribly dark person. 

While not eating by herself, she supervised us to eat more. If you only have one

dish and one or two meals at noon, she will be dissed to death, and she will pretend

to be concerned  about your health and teach you to eat more meals. Later,

another roommate of mine didn't  want to eat a lot because of coughing and

uncomfortable throat. This roommate was so  angry that he threw away chopsticks

and plates and left.. Later, I really didn't want to eat with her, so I didn't eat with

them, but I still couldn't escape. When she went back to the bedroom 

every day, her first words were to ask me whether I had eaten, what I had,

whether I had  eaten meat, a few dishes, a few tales of meals..At the same time,

she drank sugar-free  yogurt and ate apples.. We weighed at least six times a day..

and then in the dormitory, she kept feeding us snacks and various sugars. If you

didn't eat her, she would have a black  face.. and would ask you about your weight

at intervals to monitor your condition (she has been in college since I asked all the

weights of the slightly beautiful girls in the class)

Once, I  wanted to buy a meal replacement powder, I asked her on WeChat if she

wanted to buy it with me. However, this person spent more than an hour telling me

various truths. Saying that  meal replacement powders are all deceptive, and

righteously told me that I can't take care of  my health and body for the sake of my

figure. I asked her if she had eaten it before, it's very  healthy, she said she had

eaten it before, how could you possibly touch it?

That kind of  thing.. Then one day when I was preparing to go to the balcony in the

bedroom, I suddenly  skimmed a large bottle of meal replacement powder in the

corner of her table. I wondered if I  had read it wrong. I picked it up and found that

it was not wrong and it was very light. It  should have been a long, long time..

Another time I said in the dormitory that a high school  classmate had a girl who

really lost weight after taking diet pills.

Let me go, her excited expression is all righteous, and her high school classmates

have  been dissing all kinds of things. My high school classmates described others

as psychopaths, indicating that they would never accept shameful and shameful

things like diet  pills.. and later there was. One night I got up to go to the bathroom,

and when I came back, I  found out that she got up quietly at four o'clock in the

night to take a weight-loss pill.. Ha ha! 

Don't ask me why I knew it was a weight-loss pill, because she was taking the

same type as  my high school classmate! In addition. I once said that when you

want to buy cosmetics in  the future, you should tell me that I can give you some

useful things for America.

As a result, they immediately dissed me and said, I really don't understand why

some girls  need makeup?---- - It's not like you look like that. Is it interesting to wear

a mask to meet  people every day? … Ok fine, what can I do if you say that, then

don't turn over my cosmetic  bag before fucking and ask me what brand of

cosmetics is good to use! ! Well, besides, this  girl doesn't accept others to surpass

her anywhere.

She doesn't like my other two roommates going to the library (because I no longer

go with  them so she can't control me), she is often not in the dormitory, the other

two roommates ask  her where she has been, she always tells me to go Have fun in

the mall and supermarket. 

She repeatedly emphasized that she never went to the library.. and later..

many girls in our  class met her in the library countless times.. and then we were

studying mathematics, and  the teacher recommended us to buy Jimidovich to do it,

but she never allowed it. My two  roommates bought it and said that this book was

not good for us to do. But my good friend (in the opposite bedroom) said that this

girl had borrowed Jimidovich from her countless  times to do the problem..

Then, because she is growing up, a white, innocent face with 

harmless humans and animals, big eyes flickering and flickering, a whole thin white 

rabbit..Hooking up with boys is easy..I heard from my other two roommates that she

fell in  love with a good-looking boy in our yard, so she took a micro-basic class.

At the time, she deliberately struck up with the boy, asking him to help her fix the

computer, and then added  WeChat. After class, she said to the other two

roommates, "I'm going to be alone soon~".. 

It's true that she goes out every time she goes out to play. I will buy all kinds of

delicious foods and bring them back to our class girls, but she brings them all she

never eats, egg  tarts, butter bread, fried bread, butter puffs..all kinds of high-sugar

and high-calorie  foods..this is abacus. It's so good. On the one hand, it can win

people's hearts and make you  fat. It's a double strike. In fact, after my two

roommates realized who she was, they told me  how much she was jealous of me,

so jealous of me that I went crazy. The degree of  distortion.

She broke up, because I fell in love before. She wanted to get back together with

her  ex-boyfriend. Yes, it was just because I couldn't see myself falling in love. In

fact, when I met her when I was in school, she told me countless times that I was

long. It has to be very beautiful. I thought that such a compelling girl should be very

straightforward, simple and  easy to get along with! Now, I can only hehe. Does she

think I can be jealous even if I look  good? I am a person of more than a hundred

catties, and my body is nowhere near her. 

Besides, she is also a beautiful girl!

(But now I really don't get her good looks because of  seeing her dark heart.)

After she picked up her ex-boyfriend, she cried and sold miserable 

and painful, and then dumped people.. and started to hook up with others.

A boy..but then  went to find his ex-boyfriend..now still entangled with many boys..

and she wooed the counselor, the counselor is a senior, was coaxed by the image

of her little white rabbit, did for her A lot of things that set the precedent..I can't take

care of it and I can't do it.. and then people seem to use this relationship to make up

a lot of things about the counselor and the  deputy dean to say bad things about me,

and what else to say about me and the other three  people in the dormitory. It's not

good..but the fact is that she later moved out of our dormitory 

by herself..strength slaps..There are so many things..

I can't think about it all at once. 

